32. The Message

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Greg was playing his guitar to Y/n and Steven, with his van parked outside the Crystal Temple.

"That sounded great!" Steven cheers.

"Very interesting." Y/n comments.

"Oh thanks! I'm thinking about calling it "Water Witch"." Greg tells the two.

"Cool." Steven says impressed.

"And check this out, I can add some vocal distortion too." Greg pulls down a microphone from the ceiling of the van, adjusts a control panel and speaks into the microphone, distorting his voice into a robotic one. "Steven, your dad's a robot now. And now that I'm a robot, things will be better and colder. Please forgive me for being an amazing machine."

"Aww, I can't stay mad at my robo-dad." Steven joins in on the joke. "Where's all this awesome energy coming from?" Steven then asks.

"Actually, I was inspired to make some new songs after the ocean got sucked up into space a while back. I even drew up some freaky album artwork." Greg shows Steven his drawing of his album cover, titled "Water Witch".

"It looks like...Is this... Lapis?" Y/n says as looks it.

"Yeah..." Steven says as he puts hand on the drawing

Greg takes the drawing back. "Easy with the tender touches, don't want it to get all smudged. Here, plug this up and help this old man work out this witchy jam." Greg says to two now as he hands Steven an electric guitar.

"Yeah! Let's... Jam!" Steven strums the electric guitar but it makes no sound. "Uh? Where my jams at?"

"It's not plugged in yet Steven." Y/n points out to him.

"Ah ha!" Steven plugs the electric guitar into the TV in Greg's van. "All right, here we go. Let's... jam!" Steven strums the guitar again, but it still makes no sound "Uh... hmm. "He strums it again. "Jam!" No sound is made. "Hmm... Jaaaam!" Steven repeatedly strum the guitar, but still no sound.

"Oh, sorry, that's just the TV." Greg says as he points to the TV. "See, you plugged into the video jack, but were making audio here. Don't you know video killed the audio star?"

"I thought it was video killed the radio star." Y/n says.

"Hey, nice catch." Greg chuckles.

Steven looks around in confusion. "I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

"That's okay, you leave the details to me. When you're a one-man band you got to know how to do it all lyrics, graphic design, forum moderation, but for me it was all about the audio." Greg says now.

"What a lovely poem." Steven says.

"Ok, we need a catchy hook! Something like..." Greg starts playing his guitar and singing. 

♫ Well she's a riptide queen and she's super mean..."

"Woah, hold the phone! Steven halts Greg from singing. "Now give the phone to me. Lapis was not mean."

"She was just trying to get home." Y/n clarifies. 

"How 'bout this instead?"

Steven starts to sing now while playing his electric guitar.

♫ She was trapped in a mirror  

And it couldn't be clearer 

 She wanted to leave this place 

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