36. Full Disclosure

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Y/n and the Crystal Gems were still standing in front of the burning wreckage of the Gem ship and looking out to sea, after Malachite dragged herself into the ocean. Steven is still on his phone with Connie. 

"That could have gone... a lot worse." Pearl smiles trying to be optimistic.

"Tell that to my ribs..." Y/n says.

"Y/n's right it could have gone a lot better too." Garnet says as she  looks at the burning broken pieces of the warship scattered all around the Lighthouse hill and the Crystal Temple.

"Steven? I got your message." Connie could be heard through Steven's phone. "...Steven? What happened?"

"We won!" Amethyst celebrates as she grabs Steven by surprise and twirls him around in joy. Lion inches in and nuzzles Steven.

"Is that Amethyst?" Connie asks. "Ah... what's going on? You said that there's some kind of giant space hand and you all may die?"

 "Wooohooo! Ye-he-he-he!" Amethyst yells through the phone and she noogies Steven.

"Connie! You're not going to believe what happened. Where do I even start? It's been a madhouse over here." Steven says on the phone to her.

Lion walks away from Steven now as he moves towards Y/n and sits down besides him.   

Amethyst hugs Pearl over-exaggeratedly.  "Amethyst! That's enough celebrating." Pearl tells her.

The sound of horn is heard however as everyone looks to see Greg then arrives around the corner in his van with Y/n's dad in his car."


"STEVEN!" Greg cries.

"Y/N!" Y/n's dad cries.

"Dad!" Steven calls back before he raises his phone back up a moment. "Connie I..I have to go. I promise I'll call you back." He hangs up his phone. "Dad's back! Dad's back!" Steven runs towards Greg as Y/n starts to slowly walk behind.

Greg  starts running to Steven. "Oh! Thank goodness you're okay!" He hugs Steven tightly. "Mmmmm! I saw the spaceship start to leave and then it crashed so I came back and..." He sees Steven's black eye now. "Ohhh... Your eye... But you're okay! I guess those jerks were no match for the Crystal Gems!"

"No way, they were super strong!" Steven tells him.

"But you were able to beat them back?" Greg asks.

"No. They totally stomped us! This warrior, Jasper, was super beefy, She punched Y/n is the chest and head butted me knocking us both unconscious." Steven says and Y/n lifts his shirt a little to show his own injuries to Greg. 

Y/n's dad catches up to the group however now and his eyes widen as they look at the injury. "We need to take you to a hospital immediately!" He says.

"Yeah, It's probably better I get checked up." Y/n says in agreement as he lowers his shirt.

"I'm sorry Y/n. If I had my healing powers this wouldn't be happening..." Steven says looking down.

"Steven this is not you're fault." Y/n tells him now as he puts his hand on Steven's head. "I made my own choice to look after you, and I would do it again." Y/n tells him now. "You'll get your powers back eventually I'm sure." Y/n assures him. "Can you tell the Gems that I've gone to get checked up?" He asks and Steven nods his head. "Thanks Buddy, I'll let you all know how it goes when I get back." Y/n says before he leaves with his dad now.

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