Chapter 20: The Birth of Skyra

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SURPRISE!!!!!!! I'M BACK!!!!!!!

Astrid was breathing heavily as she was rushed in to the village medicine man by Hiccup, Stoick, Gobber, and Gothy the Village Elder. Belfus,the village medicine man, rushed into the room with a heated towel and placed it on Astrid's round belly.

Stoick the Vast: Belfus,her water has broken. She's going into labor.

Belfus: Ay, I'll get my wife to start the procedure.

Belfus rushed to his wife,Skyra. Skyra rushed to Astrid's side and placed Astrid's legs over her shoulders.

Skyra: Don't you worry lass. I'll get that child out of you.

Astrid: AGHHHHHH!!!!!!! OH GODS IT HURTS!!!!!!!

Gobber: That's it Astrid let out those battle cries.

Hiccup: Gobber!!!

Gobber: What?

Hiccup: Now's not the time!!!!

Gobber: Oh right...But you have to admit it was a great battle cry.

Gothy wacked Gobber's head with her walking stick.

Skyra: Breath lassy breath.

Hiccup held Astrid's hands and she breathed and tried pushing the baby out of her.

Belfus: I need someone to help me make the muscle relaxing water.

Stoick the Vast: I'll help you.

Belfus and Stoick went into the medicine room to make the muscle relaxing water. Meanwhile Skyra helped Astrid push the baby out of her.

Skyra: Push lassy push!!!!!!!

Astrid: AGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Hiccup: C'mon Astrid you can do this!!! Push baby push!!!

Gothy gestured something in the floor with her stick. Gobber looked at it.

Gobber: Hiccup, Gothy says to go and help Stoick and Belfus with the muscle relaxing water.

Hiccup: Alright.

Hiccup gave Astrid a quick kiss on the forehead and ran off to help his dad and Belfus.

Stoick the Vast: Hiccup,get the red bottle on top of the cabinet on your left.

Hiccup grabbed the red bottle and poured it in the giant pot of muscle relaxing water.

Belfus: Ice! I need ice!

Stoick ran into the kitchen and grabbed a giant cube of ice from the ice bucket and put it in the pot.

Belfus: Quick. Take this to Ms.Hofferson and keep wetting the towel on her belly and legs.

Stoick the Vast: Thank you Belfus.

Hiccup and Stoick ran into the other room with the pot of muscle relaxing water. Meanwhile Astrid was being tended by Gothy, Skyra, and Gobber. Hiccup and Stoick put down the pot and went to Astrid's side. Stoick started to re-wet the towel and rubbed it on Astrid's thighs and legs. Hiccup held Astrid's hands while she screamed and pushed.

Skyra: I can see the head lassy!!!

Hiccup: What?!?!?!

Hiccup went to see and saw a small head being pushed out of Astrid's legs.

Hiccup: Astrid, you're doing it!!!! Keep pushing baby!!!! Our first born baby is almost here!!!!!!!!

Hiccup couldn't believe it. He was going to become a dad. He could feel the adrenaline running through his veins.

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