Chapter 2

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My watch hit 02.30 am in the morning before my head finally hit the pillow and I fell asleep right away dreaming about unicorns and pink butterflies, haha joke I never dream about anything at all, like I can't even remember when my last dream was in 5th grade maybe, okay totally a lie, but I don't like talking about the creepy dreams I have nearly all the time every freaking night.

"Wake up sleepyhead it's time for school and it's already 9 you have to get ready if you don't wanna be late"

"But moom I don't want to!" I complained still half asleep.

"It's Laura not your mom and get up!" she said and slapped me to wake me up before walking off.

"I assume you hit your bed pretty late last night?" Laura said as soon as I came out in our kitchen where I saw her sipping on a cup of coffee with some homework in front of her.

"I went to sleep at 2.30 not that late but I'm still tired since the last few weeks I haven't been sleeping well and I sleep too little with all the school and work I have going around, but nothing coffee can't help with," I said as I reached out for the coffee Laura had made for me.

"You and your coffee u would think you're married to it when people meet you for the first time, how many cups do you even drink a day to stay awake?"

"Mmh I don't know at least 7 I think, I don't really keep a count on it"

"7 cups! How are you not jumping around all the time with that much caffeine in your system!"

"I don't know I just don't, come on we should leave now if we want to make it on time," I said as I began walking towards the door my backpack already on my back ready for today's short school.

"Hey, wait for me, you know you always do that, just walk off without waiting for me you little hoe!"

"Baby I'm sorry I'm not sorry"

"Ahh stop, stop, stop singing my ears break every time you, that's how bad you sing!"

"Well deal with it my little hoe, you still have 9 months left with me," I said as I bumped her shoulder with mine and laughed.

All the way to the lecture we small talked and catches up on what has been happening since school started again and we both have been really busy with school, work, and a boyfriend in her department. My eyes catch the sight of paparazzi's and I hurriedly rush Laura and me inside the building as to not get spotted by them and get presented on the front line of some silly magazine again.

Last year when I just started I always walked out in skinny jeans and a pretty tight shirt or t-shirt, or we can just say more revealing clothe than I wear now and my hair was always hanging loose down my back so I drew attention to myself because I am also tall and apparently a real beauty in people's eyes and the paparazzi heard of me from somewhere so they started coming here and taking pictures of me. I ended up on the front cover of some magazine with the text saying "beauty goddess attending Harvard university is she as smart as she is beautiful" or something along the lines with that. And ever since that accident I have worn long hoodies and a cap with my hair in a low bun as to not draw attention to myself more than I already do. Every once in a while, the paparazzi still come to check if they can find me and get a picture of me but like usual, I just hide away immediately until they are gone, or I can walk around them somehow without getting spotted. Laura and I made it to the class and we sat down getting ready for the lecture about to begin and talked until the teacher came and announced his presence.

"So today we are going to start on the huge Christmas exam you are going to have in 2 and a half months' time. I will pick your partners for the exam and don't worry I will pick one I know for sure you can work with but there is one catch. Amelia you are going to work with our student taking online classes over the computer, however, you want, I have already spoken to him and he is alright with that, the only thing is that he don't want to facetime with you so your task will all be over text but I am positively sure you can handle it, right Amelia"

"Yes sir, I will figure it out with him, what is his name?"

"His name is Benjamin Parker"

"Okay sir thanks for trusting me with this unusual form of project"

"Your welcome Amelia"

After getting my partner for the exam and the teacher announced the partners for the rest of the class he came down to me with a few papers on how to reach him and so on before he quickly announced what the project should be about and said we will start working on it next week and left us to talk a little with our partners before next class started which is in 5 minutes I realized after looking down at my watch. I reached out to Benjamin Parker via my phone texting him

"Hey Benjamin, this is your partner for the Christmas exam Amelia, since we have free choice on what to present about, I was wondering if you had anything you wanted to work about?"

He almost immediately replied back and answered he wanted to work on Belgium's royal family's history, a weird topic to pick but I agreed. The class ended and my last class of the day started and was quickly over so I could go back to my apartment again to do some homework and sleep a little. I was walking alone since Laura had to speak to the teacher about something and just sent me home without her. The wind was getting colder and the leaves started changing colors to their beautiful fall colors and were beginning to fall off the trees. I pulled my hoodie closer around me trying to protect me from the cold as much as possible while my music played in earphones on the way home. I finally reached my apartment and locked myself in before flopping down on the couch just lying there for 5 minutes before starting on my homework. 2 hours went by and I fell asleep on the floor, totally exhausted after the day or should I say the last few days. 


Second chapter out yayy<3

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