Chapter 18

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As we got in, we studied as I promised Elias buried in his studies too as we got on hour 2 before he shut his computer preparing the magic sleep food that smelled heavenly from where I sat still studying. I already knew how this would end, me sleeping over cause I am too tired to get home no matter if the food and movie works or not.

So, I texted my brothers in our chat saying I was staying over at Laura's for the night and they shouldn't worry. Off course they all grumbled a bit that I wasn't coming home, and it was so sudden but lastly, they agreed after texting Tae would come over with a bag of clothes and stuff and I didn't mind. And exactly 20 minutes later there stood Tae with my bag in hand looking worried at me like usual.

"Tae im fine, just go home and chill out or do some business I will be back by tomorrow after school or maybe a little later than that. But stop worrying im fine" I hugged him pushing him back out before he could see Elias having a feeling, he wouldn't like him one bit.

"Sleep Caliah I mean it, your friend Laura texted me earlier she was worried since you seemed really tired in class" omg Laura he's worried enough now you're adding this. Okay my sleep is making me angry over nothing, just chill out Caliah and answer him calmly.

"I promise Tae now get out food is ready soon and im hungry" I said with a joking smile as I hugged him again closing the door in his nose.

"Who was that?" Elias asked once I came back to the kitchen to see him making two dishes full of insanely good smelling soup.

"My brother, he came with a bag since I have a strong feeling that im about to fall asleep pretty soon" I smiled with a yawn hidden under my hand.

"Then change quickly into some night clothes and then we can eat, and you can sleep, maybe the movie isn't even needed since you seem pretty busted" he looked up at me with a friendly concerned smile for once no hidden sarcasm or dirtiness on his face.

"Be back in a sec" I told him as I made my way to the bathroom to change into one of Tae's shirts and some loose shorts.

Eli looked me up and down once I came back in a smirk quickly filling his face as I thought to myself oh dear here, we go again. "You will look much better in my shirt, but it's okay, we can change that later, now come eat so you can sleep" he demanded, and I made my way over with a roll of my eyes. I seem to be doing that a lot around him wonder why I thought sarcastically.

The soup tasted insanely good as we soon after made our way into his room where he put his movie on the tv in front of his bed. I got comfortable under the covers covered in his mouthwatering scent as I felt myself get more and more tired as we were only a few minutes into the movie until darkness claimed me and I just about heard Elias whispering, "sleep tight my queen", but I wasn't sure I heard right.

Not once during the night did, I wake up as I again had another night of uninterrupted sleep doing weird things to my body like for once relaxing. I had forgotten how that felt like. I had my phone with me and because I had set an alarm at 8 even if we first have classes at 10.30, I woke up feeling trapped and disoriented as I was still half asleep, trying to find out where the noise came from.

Eventually I found my phone with closed eyes beside me shutting the alarm off vaguely aware of the things happening around me. I was about to fall back asleep when I remembered one important detail about last night and now understand why I felt trapped and what the trap felt like. Arms. And not just any arms, Elias's arms wrapping tightly around my waist as he held me close to him. What the actual hell is going on here! I tried sitting up, but his strong arms wouldn't have it as I was held down.

"Sleep Caliah, your still tired and we first have school in 2 and a half hour, I promise to wake you at 9.30" he muttered into my neck his breath giving me goosebumps as his voice had the effect of making me fall back asleep.

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