Chapter 22

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2 years and 8 months later:

Who would have thought almost 3 years would pass so fast. I certainly didn't. "You can" must be the 2 words I have said on repeat over and over to myself cause these 3 years haven't all been a blast. No, it's been hard and trying, more than anything I have ever tried before.

I felt like quitting so many times, so many times I thought of just giving up and saying that's it, I don't want to do this anymore and leave. But then I take a look at my family around me, the family I didn't knew I lost but found again in a hallway of my old school chasing another friend.

I never thought it would be the start of the best years of my life, but it did. My brothers and my parents, make all of the lessons in etiquette, how to be a queen, dance, and all these lessons on top of starting my own company so worth it.

If not for them I wouldn't have been standing where I am today, and for that I couldn't be more grateful. "When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower" my mother's words resonated in my ears the day of my graduation and for a while I didn't understand the meaning behind her words.

But as I came here to my home I started understanding. Understanding that and so much more and less. Working hard becomes a habit, a serious kind of fun. You get self-satisfaction from pushing yourself to the limit knowing that all the effort is going to pay off.

And that's why I never gave up, cause I knew that once I mounted the tallest mountain of them all a fantastic view will await me at the top. As I've been living here at the castle with my family, I haven't only grown within myself but also out there in the world.

The news of my comeback in the royal world sent the population in a frenzy of shock, surprise, and happiness for my family. I have been climbing the ranks ever since becoming quite a popular person around town or maybe I should say the world.

There doesn't go a week without my face hitting a paper at least once with some kind of news or other. I have contributed so much of myself out there to the world with various fundraising campaigns, my car company, being the crown princess to the biggest throne in the world and we go on.

Tonight, we have our kingdoms 249th anniversary hosting a grand ball for several kingdoms to join, businesspeople, and close friends and family from us all. It will be huge with over 1000 participants I have to talk for as I have been told to make a speech.

Speaking into my earpiece as I enter my room, I eye the beautiful ballgown in my open walk-in closet almost filling the entire space of how big it is, but nothing grander than how my coronation dress is gonna look. My ballgown gives me a Cinderella vibe as the bright glittery light blue flows to the floor with embroidered flowers and off the shoulder arms with strands hanging loosely on my arm.

Ending the work call I took of my clothes, stepping into the hot shower, relaxing my tense muscles as I washed all the days stress away, making myself ready for new stress and pretty smiles send in every direction of tonight.

After my shower I just took on my bathrobe calling all the stylists in telling them I was ready as I sat down in front of my mirror my earpiece in again as I worked while the stylists worked on my hair and makeup for the ball, I have to look absolutely perfect for.

Although it's been almost 3 years since I moved here, having all these stylists around me all the time I am still not used to it and all the pampering that follows along and I doubt I ever will. Sometimes it becomes too much and when it does, I take one of Zau's horses in the stable and take a looong ride around the castle grounds with guards around me since it will be too dangerous for me to be alone cause of my title.

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