Chapter 12

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I forgot to tell before, but while I was at the castle my parents got their own private doctor to make a full examination of me, just in case my fake parents had falsified some information on my medical record. Thank god everything was fine and what stood in my medical records were true.

While I was there, he also checked on my knee and agreed with the doctor who attended me at the hospital here in America that I should wear it for 4 more weeks and move around as limited as possible. Which sucks.

I can't sit still for that long and I complained to the doctor about it who told me to be creative and work out in ways that don't require moving my right leg at all. Bummer, but if everything goes well, I get to take it off right before Christmas.

Opening the door to our condo my jaw didn't fall to the ground the same way it would just 2 weeks ago. Being in the magnificent castle I have to get used to calling my home dims your excitement a little when you see other luxury places.

Not that this condo isn't amazing cause it is, but you should try being in the castle it's like walking right into a fayre land castle, it's a whole adventure walking around the castle and its perimeters and I can't wait to spring to see what its looks like in bloom.

"Caliah, let's eat before the food gets cold then we can sleep after" Lui had already walked in, while I still stood in the front hall taking my shoes and jacket off, deep in thought taking longer than necessary.


The weekend flew by, we relaxed, rehearsed our exam a few times until we were good to go Monday morning. And off course we killed it, even the sensor was blown over by our performance as Lui and I walked out of there with big grins.

My roomie or former roomie as it is now Laura was up before us and we agreed to meet at a café not far from here to chat and catch up on the last 2 weeks of my hectic life. Benjamin drove me over there although it was only a 5 minutes' walk or more like 30 min with my effing knee.

"Text or call me when I should pick you up and I will be right there okay"

"Okay thank you, see you later Lui and thanks for the ride" I smiled hugging him goodbye before slowly making my way out of the car taking my crutches and bag with me.

I smiled brightly when I saw Laura through the cafés windows already sipping on her drink an untouched drink in front of her obviously for me. A kind customer held the door open for me as I walked in making my entrance a little easier and more elegant as you can say haha.

"Laura hi" I smiled sitting down in front of her, placing my crutches out of the way for me an any other customer or worker so they wouldn't fall over them.

"Amelia, long time no see" my best friend joked as we caught up on the last 2 weeks.

It was only us in the café right now with the staff in the back, so I had no worries telling her just some of what had happened in my life the past 2 weeks. And thankfully she was patient and understanding of my situation not prying further for answers I don't have or can't answer on since its classified for now.

My whereabouts is still unknown to the world, and it will be like that until summer when I graduate, and the world will come to know who just graduated Harvard business school. After talking a little about my hectic weird life, we went back to talking about everything and nothing like usual, and I couldn't be happier that she was my best friend.

"Hey, I noticed something weird and have been meaning to ask you" she suddenly spoke as I sipped on my drink.

"First off one day when I came home from school all your things were gone, what's the meaning with that and when we tried to pay rent yesterday the lady said we didn't need to cause it was already taken care of, do you know why?" her eyebrows were scrunched in confusion as she looked at me with concerned eyes.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you, but I won't live with you for the rest of the year sorry, and the rent thing. My father paid for rent for both ours or yours now and Jonathan and Colton's apartment for the rest of the year so you don't have to worry about that" I answered sheepishly still not used to being in a family where you can use money without thinking of a budget to hold.

"Oh" she answered a little stupefied at the revelation. "But you will still come to visit right, we will still be your best friends, right?" she asked insecure of her place in my life.

"No title and no money will ever change our friendship Laura, neither with Jonathan nor Colton. You are my siblings chosen by heart and if not for you I would have probably gone down with stress and exhaustion by now. Nothing and I mean nothing can ever change or take away the love and friendship we have for each other, your like my sister Laura" seeing her tears brought tears to my own eyes as we hugged each other tight.

Jonathan and Colton came joining us at some point, where I recited my story a bit before we went back to our normal ways of laughter and joking around with each other for hours not realizing how late it had become.

I hadn't taken notice of my phone humming in my bag, so I was a little surprised seeing Lui come in the café door with a worried frown on his face talking on the phone with someone. I just managed to hear "no its okay found her" before he shut his phone down coming over to me easing his frown out.

"Amelia, I have been looking everywhere for you, why didn't you take your phone?" his hand came down on my shoulder sitting on the empty chair next to me as he took no notice of my friends around me.

"Sorry, I didn't notice it, why don't we install the find your family app on our phone's so we can always find each other or at least our phone's?" I suggested feeling bad, that I worried him like that.

"Good idea and you might want to call Luke and Tobias they have been worried too"

"You called them, why I was just right here the whole time?" I frowned

"Well, when you didn't take your phone, I called them worried"

"Okay I will call them and btw my friends know who you are and who I am, so you don't need to use our cover names" I smiled squeezing his hand in reassurance seeing his worry leave slowly.

"Oh yeah right, Aiden Caliah's brother" Lui turned around first now greeting my friends who have been watching us closely the whole time. After a short introduction round Lui turned towards me again.

"Sorry but its time for us to leave, our parents would like to talk to you, and you also have to talk with our brothers, and you look exhausted so lets go home" he's not the only one who's clearly exhausted his dark eyebags tell me that much.

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