Chapter 19

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The last few meters I ran into what used to be my old bathroom just making it as I hurled my guts up into the toilet. Elias came in after me, holding my hair away from my face as he rubbed my back comforting me as he let me vacuum clean my organs in peace. At last, I leaned my head against the toilet seat breathing deeply and as I thought I was done another puke session occurred and I spend the next many minutes feeling like I was about to die.

"Elias!" I moaned in pain tears flowing down my face as it hurt so much.

"Shh it's okay, just breathe im here, you're not alone" his touch calmed me down until I puked again surprised, I still had food in my system and when I stopped, I stopped for real this time. I could hear my phone biiib in my back pocket, weakly pulling it out handing it unlocked to Elias as I still leaned against the toilet trying to gain some strength.

"Your brother is asking you where you are, shall I text him back princess?" Elias asked handing me a wet cloth to wipe my mouth with and a glass of water to get the bad taste out.

"Which one?" I asked lowly as I got up Elias holding on to me as he led me over to his bed laying me down so I could rest a bit.


"Can you text him I will be home in 30 minutes" thank god I already packed most of my stuff yesterday as I was pushing our leaving time a little closer than I intended to. We are leaving at 20.00 pm and its currently a little over 17 and we will need to leave 19.00 for the airport and I still need to shower and pack the rest of my stuff.

He laid my phone down on his nightstand as I closed my eyes, and I could hear him walk around in his room until he laid something on top of me when I felt his arms around me. Shocked I opened my eyes to see him carrying me jiggling with me in his arms as he opened the different doors, before we were out of the apartment, and he walked with me down the stairs.

Instead of opposing I hold on to him tight closing my eyes as I hid my face in the crook of his neck still feeling sick and nauseous. Since it was spring break and the last class of today was already over the grounds were deserted except a few people here and there, conveniently for me since I didn't want to draw more attention than I already do.

Since I found my real family, I have gone back to wearing fashionable clothes again, having my hair down and such, partly because I wanted to upkeep the royals of Belgium's good image even if no one knows im the princess yet and because my father made sure no paparazzi's and journalists could get in without permission.

My brother's face haven't been shown in public much so no one knows who my brothers are around here, and even if they do recognize them, it would be hard since they are wearing disguises when out in public. It is often caps, and the color lens too as I use or some other way. Tae can be a little more daring in going out since he don't want to wear all that bullshit as he calls it. The point of it all was just that I get more attention than before.

I could feel Elias worried glances at me as he kept walking in the direction of my condo had he briefly told me when we walked out away from Laura and Jonathan still going at it. He must be really strong for him to carry me for so long I thought as I almost fell asleep in his nice warm arms.

"Princess you can't sleep yet, were almost there" he whispered into my ear using my nickname he had been calling me since he found out who I was.

I let out a whine but kept myself awake as I felt we were in an elevator going up knowing that we were almost there. The familiar ping was heard of the elevator arriving to its destined floor Elias walking towards my door. How he knew where I lived, I didn't know cause I never told him. Must be a stalker. I smiled a little into his neck, Elias feeling it as he asked.

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