Chapter 10

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It was a black bulletproof limousine with our parents already waiting inside. Bodyguards took my luggage and Tae sat me down while I slowly made my way into the car. When we were all, ready the car started moving while I looked out at the city passing by in a blur.

I am tired. I thought to myself and not long after I fell asleep with my head against the window as sleep overtook my every sense. I can't remember the last time I ever slept this well was the first thing that popped into my head when I opened my eyes again.

When I opened my eyes again, I was met with the sight of a plane. My real parents sat across from me while Tae sat next to me and my other 2 brothers, I wasn't able to see from where I sat. I yawned in a really not royal-like matter and made a move to sit more comfortably when the pain hit me, and I remembered my knee.

I must have said a sound cause Tae turned around towards me with a worried look in his eyes. I just shook my head and laid my head on his shoulder looking out the window with the scenery having changed from the busy Boston life to green, green, and again green fields, with small cozy villages in between and horses, cows, and so on playing around.

I could feel Tae looking at me, but I kept looking out the window in hopes the pain would go away soon. The last time my knee hurt this much was when I was 14, I think. Since I got hurt with my knees at the age of 10, I always had problems with them. Especially in the start, but it turned better, and I started training specifically to make my knees stronger and capable to carry me around for the rest of my life. Therefore, I started running 3-4 times a week often more than that, and I still do so today.

Over the years I have had periods in my life where my knees have hurt more than other times. Fx when I was 14, I overstretched both my knees, and in my right leg I overstretched a muscle under my knee on the left side I can't really remember what it is called. Therefore, I had to walk with crutches for 5 weeks before I was able to walk somehow normally again.

All I can remember is that it hurt like hell and the weeks passed by me in a blur. After that, I just had small periods where my knees hurt more than other days and that's about it until this god damn knee injury I just got. I'm tired of my knees hurting but I can't do anything about it but suck it up and live with it.

And that's what I am going to do. I won't let my knee come in front of letting me get to know my family and how to be a princess. I am really, really glad that my father agreed that I could finish my year here at Harvard before becoming the princess I was always supposed to be and getting the world to know I have been found.

I woke up from my slumber when Tae nudged me telling me we were landing soon. I strapped myself up and looked out the window in curiosity as to where we were. Of course, I knew we were in Belgium, but I have never seen pictures of the land before. Now that I think about it, I should have figured it out years ago that something was wrong with those I have been calling parents most of my life but me being the naïve little kid I was I never questioned anything they did or told me.

Not even when I started going to school and found out I have been living a weird life in comparison to the other kids in my classes. I just ignored it and avoided thinking about it. Until they showed up, I ignored it. The first time I saw Benjamin I was shocked, he looked so much like me that it couldn't be a coincidence.

Then Luke or Tae as I call him showed up and he had the same eye color and I also looked like him a lot. I quickly put 2 and 2 together but got it more confirmed when they told me the truth. Never in a million years would I have predicted what there would happen yesterday.

It came out of the blue and at such a random time in my life that I was surprised beyond measure. I still don't know what to do with myself or think about the situation I am now standing in. I guess I will just take it one at a time, try not to stress about it all, and get to know my family a little bit more.

After we had landed Tae carried me down and out to yet another bulletproof limousine as carefully as possible to not hurt my knee. It of course hurt but I got through and half an hour later we were driving up towards the gates of the humungous castle trying to reach the skies.

It looked amazing and huge just from the outside, I can't even begin to imagine how it will look once I get inside. I looked out the window in wonder when the car stopped in front of the entrance and Tae helped me out of the car. This time I didn't resist him carrying me because of the many steps leading up to the huge double doors.

"Welcome home Caliah" my father welcomed me with a warm look in my direction as he hooked his arm around my mothers and carried their way up the stairs. 

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