Chapter 3

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I felt someone shake me and speak some words but just fell back into sleep until someone slapped me and I finally heard what the person was saying.

"Wake up dinner is ready!!"

"Wait dinner?!" I said as I shut up in bed looking after a clock to check the time, finally finding one my eyes widened as I saw it was already 18.30 pm in the night, I have been sleeping for 4, 5 hours! I thought to myself. I looked down and realized I was lying in bed. "How did I end up here, didn't I fall asleep in front of the couch?" I thought to myself kind of confused about how I ended up here. Shaking my thoughts away I walked out to the dining table where some really good smelling food was laid out and all my friends sat at. Laura and her boyfriend Jonathan are on one side and Jonathan's roomie Colton is on the other side sitting next to my chair. Colton is an amazing cook so every time he comes over, he always makes the food for us.

"Guys why didn't you wake me up earlier, I had planned that I should go out running today and then step by the shop after I was done," I asked as I complained that they didn't wake me up earlier.

"Amelia you should have seen yourself, I knocked on your door, but no one answered so I walked in and saw you passed out in front of the couch with a pen in your hand and huge bags under your eyes like you haven't slept for days, so I lifted you up and carried you to your bed so you could get some proper sleep"

"But you should have just woke me up, I don't need to sleep that much" this time Laura spoke up instead of Colton

"Honey your only 17 years old, not over 20 like the rest of us, your body needs more sleep than us, and don't think I haven't noticed how late you have been staying up since school started. We know you're really smart and all and that you don't accept anything else than an A+ in your tests but you need to start looking after yourself, to little sleep is bad especially when you are still a growing young girl like you, and it can also cause you to have a hard time following your classes because your too tired"

"I'm nearly 18" I mumbled to myself, but the others heard it and cracked a little laugh at my silly remark.

"Okay fine I will look more after myself, but I don't know how to do that, I need to work to pay for school, the apartment, and food and that leaves me with little to no time to take care of school so I stay up late to do my homework and go to sleep after that. I don't know where I should find the time to take care of myself" I said as I looked down at my food

"Wait I thought you got a scholarship to pay for your school and all" Jonathan said

"I did, but only for the first year since they saw that I could perfectly fine take care of paying my tuition on my own and would much rather give it to a person who needed it more than me. and I agreed because I can pay the bills myself and I want to give the other person a chance to follow his or her dream by giving my scholarship away, so I did. And I don't regret it one bit I just have less time for myself and friends than before and that's fine with me"

"That's really sweet and kindly done of you Amelia but you can't keep living like that, you will end up in the hospital if you keep digging the lifestyle you're doing now, so we have decided to help you out with your money problems until school ends and you can pay us back over time since we know you will never accept our offer. That way you can cut off your workload a little and have more time for school and your amazing friends" Jonathan said as he looked sweetly at me.

"Thanks, guys I really appreciate it, I will forever be grateful that I met you," I said to them as I looked at them with a little smile.

"Oh, it's nothing Amelia, you're like our precious little sister we are just taking care of, so no harm comes to you"

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