Chapter 24

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Waking up I didn't realize I wasn't hanging in a ceiling anymore or that I wasn't chained to a chair as I just looked up at the ceiling thinking when I was finally gonna die. That's when the door opened. What I didn't realize was it wasn't only the physical door, but slowly also the one to my heart.

"Are you feeling better?" the deep voice surprised me as I turned my look to see my hot kidnapper walking towards where I was laying. Now that I realize it, I'm lying in a luxurious bed.

"That depends, is the torture ever gonna stop?" my voice was raspy of months without talking only screaming in pain.

"My sweet girl, off course it is, as of right now you never have to go through that again" he sat down on the bed beside me as I looked hesitantly at him.

"What do you mean?" I leaned against the headboard weakly, my body small and easily breakable from the torture and extreme weight loss.

"I'm saying the only torture you ever have to go through again is intense pleasure" he smirked his hand traveling up my leg. Something I didn't even notice.

Sagging in relief I fell asleep again. I slept most of the time for the next 2 weeks as I never missed a meal. I was feeling significantly better making me wonder what that man was up to. He had slept in here every night, holding me close to him even when I fought to get away from him.

After the third night I gave up on fighting him and have been sleeping comfortably in his arms ever since. He was never the one torturing me and has never been mean to me in any kind of way beside being the one to kidnap me so in some ways I wasn't really afraid of him.

It may sound weird since he is the man who kidnapped me and all that, but I wasn't. Something about him captivates me in the good way and no I don't think its Stockholm syndrome. I have barely seen him in the many months we have been here.

After the first night in peace in his room I asked if Elias was okay and got told he was in another room, healing and resting up too. In here where I wasn't tortured, I slowly built myself up again, stone by stone, brick by brick as I began feeling more like myself without the constant pain and fear of being killed.

When I'm out of here I'm gonna get installed a tracking chip in all of us so it will always be easy to find us again. Looking up from the bed where I was sitting writing a diary, I heard the door open Chase coming in, in all his sexy glory as usual.

I'm so attracted to him it hurts, I want him, my body wants him and with one look at me he knew exactly what I was thinking. Smirking he walked closer to me unbuttoning his shirt buttons one by one, my eyes raking over his rock-hard abs and sexy as hell tattoos.

"Like what you see?" the oldest line in the book but still I couldn't help but nod and lick my lips as I looked him up and down.

He took my diary shutting it, putting it down on the nightstand as I shimmied down on the bed, the shirt of his I was wearing going up exposing my legs.

"Princess why do you have to be so tempting!" Chase groaned as he got on top of me, his shirt thrown to the floor as I felt his bulge against me.

He wasn't merciful when he penetrated me and, in the days, to follow I couldn't help but crave more of him never once thinking about how we wasn't using any kind of protection. He grew on me, and I grew on him. When we weren't having sex, we had long conversations about everything as we cuddled.

I keep thinking this is so wrong, he is the reason behind all my pain for the past I don't know how many months. But the man I have come to know, the Chase under the evil mafia leader exterior is the sweetest guy ever.

His laugh is contagious, his smile is like seeing the stars, its beautiful. And his eyes is the moon lighting up my walk in the dark, guiding me the way, even if I stumble and can't see probably. And so much more. I think I'm falling for him so that's why when I one morning looked down at the positive test in my hand, I cried for everything.

I'm the crown princess god damn it, I can't have a bastard child! I just hope it's a boy and later on I will get a girl to take over the throne.

"What are you looking at?" Chase asked coming into the bathroom freezing when he saw what I had in my hand.

"No this cant be true, tell me it's a lie, a prank!" he begged me as I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Where do you see me have the resources to get a prank like this!" I yelled at him. "This is all your fault, im having a bastard child with a freaking criminal, im falling for a criminal. Fuck you, how could you do this to me, im the fucking crown princess of the biggest monarchy in the worlds history!" I screamed at him hitting his chest as big fat tears left my eyes.

Taking a hold of my hands he looked at me pale as a ghost as I could practically see the wheels turning in his head from everything I just screamed at him and the positive pregnancy test on the counter.

"Calm down Caliah" he mumbled, before pulling me to the bed sitting me down as he began pazing around.

"I assume you don't want an abort?" he asked just in case although he knew what the answer was gonna be. I shook my head anyway as he kept pazing.

"I cant have a child in the mafia, I don't wish that for anyone. I'll set you and Elias free, tell the world its his and you found love while captivated together, and we will never see each other again" what he cant be serious about that.

"I agree with your plan except one thing" I stood up walking over to him stopping him from pazing around.

"What?" he asked softly his knuckles grazing my stomach while he had the most vulnerable look in his eyes I have ever seen.

"I don't want my baby to go through life without knowing its real father" I smiled putting his whole hand on my stomach.

"Its too dangerous, you know who I am, which world I live in" he whispered as he pulled back looking out the window at the garden below.

"We will make it work, im a crown princess I can figure something out that will never get us caught" I stepped up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist as I rested my head on his broad back.

"Are you sure?" absolutely certain and I let him know that.

It didn't take long before we told everything to Elias who off course got extremely mad at me for getting pregnant and falling in love with the enemey but understood the plan as we now planned to get married a few months after we get home.

We will be thrown off on a practically empty road not far from the castle and walk there to be found and get nutured back to health again. And that's basically the plan. Its not bulletproof but we will go through with it and hope for the best.

I said goodbye to Chase at whereever it was he hid us before we were driven off to home. Holding hands with Elias I was excited to get home and see my family again. Getting out of the car together with our ruffled looks, we slowly walked towards the castle when Elias stopped me.

"Caliah I know you felt something deep for him, I just hope that it wont ever come between any of this and the baby?" he looked so vulnerable in that moment that I couldn't help myself.

Yes I love Chase but my love for Elias never went away. It only strenghtened in the years we werent together so I know this future in front of us will be okay. I love him and that's why I kissed him pouring every ounce of feeling I have in me into the kiss, Elias groaning as he pulled me close by the waist.

"I love you Elias. I never told you back then but I did and still do" I looked him deep into his eyes seeing a reflection of myself. "I admit it. I fell in love with Chase but I will let you know that I would have never chosen him ever due to the position I am in. It would be irresponisble to myself, my family and my entire kingdom waiting for me to descend the throne. I love you Elias and I always will"

I told him the truth. If circumstances had been different and none of us were such important people in the world I might have chosen Chase, but it isnt like that. It's a fantasy that will never come true, and the truth hiding in the fantasy is something that will never be exposed to anyone beside us 3 people involved. 

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