Chapter 20

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Graduation is closing in. Me and Elias didn't have another episode of intimacy beside being close to each other and becoming really good friends and study partners. By now everyone thinks we are together none of us having neither confirmed nor denied anything yet.

Truth is, yes, we are friends, close friends, but even I don't really know where we stand right now. And for now, it's okay. With the graduation closing in, the extra security and my upcoming reveal to the world I'm so stressed that you can't even believe it.

But beside the stress I have managed to ace all my exams so far, only one left, the most important one. I'm actually heading there now, my hair in a high sleek ponytail, fancy baby blue business suit and my file under my arm with all my pictures, substance and documentation, my PowerPoint on a drive in my pocket.

With my heels clanking against the floor, head held high and my natural eyes for once, the professors here already knowing who I am and have been told to keep it a secret or else they will be fired. Walking in with a professional smile, making sure to keep eye contact and give a good handshake, I set up my things confidently knowing the whole exam would be taped for future reference if I went good enough which it with no doubt will.

I haven't busted my ass off the last 2 years for nothing have I. Beginning my presentation I never once lost my footing keeping calm and collected throughout the whole 25 minutes it took in the examination room. They almost didn't have to discuss it, all 3 professors I might say before they pulled me back in giving me the highest grade possible and congratulating me for my hard work the last 2 years and absolute dedication to my attendance here.

I was the last examination for today, so I walked out with my professors talking about graduation and the speech I am gonna make, when we parted ways and I made my way to the park where all my friends sat waiting, since all of them had already been up in their last exam and was only waiting for me.

Seeing them wait there for me talking and laughing beside a picnic setup I smiled seeing exactly why I chose these guys as my close friends. With my perceptive eyes I could see the honesty, goodness shining from them, my smile wide only widening when Elias' eyes caught mine his lips pulling up in a smirk seeing me.

Walking over I walked right into his arms, his strong warm arms coming around me as he pulled me close. My brothers joined us at some point, as we all sat in the park laughing, eating, having the best time of our life as we all just sat chilling and enjoying each other's company.

Elias and I sat closely together his arm around me as I leaned up against him, the same with Jonathan and Laura as all the other single people sat for themselves but content as us couples. Or Elias and I aren't a couple, we just act like one making everyone question us as I said before. Saying goodbye to everyone I stood a little away with Elias under the shadows of a tree just being there in his arms my head on his chest while his was resting on the top of my head.

"Thank you for sticking through with me, even when I cursed you to the moon and back" I mumbled into his chest, taking in his calming scent.

"How could I ever let my gorgeous angry, resisting queen go" he chuckled pulling a little back, so he was looking into my eyes.

Rolling my eyes I stood on my toes, pecking his lips before turning around with a laugh towards my brothers for teasing him. Looking behind me I smirked seeing him still stand there, as he gave me one of his own smirks back making butterflies erupt in my belly as me and my brothers walked back to our condo.


Sorry for the short chapter haha, but it had to be😂

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