Chapter 9

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I could feel Tallulah next to me shake in tears when I accidentally made a movement of my knee and I winched in pain, shutting my eyes closed trying to bear with it. It wasn't before I felt someone sit down next to me holding me close to them.

I heard talk and movement around me as I was still lost in my own world of pain. It wasn't until a glass of water along with a hand with 2 pills on it came in front of my eyesight, that I began noticing what was happening around me. I reached out for the pills and downed the entire glass of water with the pills in a matter of seconds.

I opened my eyes pain still going strong through my body and looked a little bit hazy around at the others. They all looked sad and ready to help and do my every word if I said something.

"Are you better now?" asked the voice sitting next to me I now realized is Tae.

"I'm fine, thank you" I whispered

"Was there anything else you wanted to know or say?" I asked them after my pain took off a little and everyone was back in their seats.

"Yes, since you are princess Caliah and the rightful heir to the throne we would like to finally take you home," my father said calmly and stoically.

I spaced out after he said that. I didn't want to acknowledge the fact that I was meant to be a queen from the start and now they wanted me back so they can train me to be the next ruler over Belgium. It was a lot to take in and I didn't know what to do with myself. It was all too much, and I also had to keep up in my classes and keep getting straight A's.

Being a princess right now was just the wrong timing. I don't have the time nor energy to do it right now. But I knew as a princess and future queen I have responsibilities I just can't put aside; people will start counting on me and probably not too soon the world will know that I have been found and everyone would know who I am.

"I will go back, but first when I have finished Harvard. It is my last year and I don't want to quit now or take any responsibilities on right now. I hope you understand that" I answered sternly and calmly looking straight into my father's eyes.

"It's a deal. I promise that you will finish your year here at Harvard before taking on any responsibilities and getting known to the world. I have spoken with Harvard's headmaster and agreed with him to give you 2 weeks off and all your assignments are pushed back. That means we will take you home to Belgium for the next 2 weeks and slowly introduce you to the life of a princess"

I looked at my father as he said what he just did and couldn't help but get really excited to see the magnificent castle I have always heard about from others but never read about it or seen in pictures.

"Okay, are we leaving tomorrow?" I asked cutting straight to it.

"If you don't mind" my father started after swiftly looking at my mother. "We are leaving now. Your brothers will help you pack your bags and when you are ready, we are leaving for the airport where our private jet is waiting for us"

It didn't really surprise me we had to leave now since he looked and seemed like a person who likes to do things right away and if possible, not wait for too long to get things done. Which I deemed as a good thing to have as a king.

"Okay see you in a bit then," I said to my parents as they made their way out of the small apartment after they each gave me a small hug.

I could feel how they were dying to give me a crushing hug but held themselves back for my sake and for that I couldn't be more grateful. I stood up and slowly and painfully crutched my way into my room with my brothers following along with me.

When we reached my room, Tae asked me to sit down while they packed my things down in my bags so I could relax my knee. Of course, I said yes to the opportunity of less pain but not before packing my underwear down myself first.

How awkward wouldn't it be for both me and them to see my underwear, we just met and barely know each other. Speaking of knowing each other, I remembered my roomie and made my way into her room. Knocking I heard a soft come in before I opened the door and hopped my way over to her bed.

She immediately put her homework aside to look at me with an accusing glare making me shrink my shoulders in shame of not telling her what was going on the minute I found out. She is my best friend and me hers, we are supposed to know everything about each other.

"What is going on Amelia, why are the, why is the Royal family of Belgium asking for you?"

I sighed and moved my hand to my eyes and took my lenses out holding them in my hands so I wouldn't lay them somewhere random. I looked up at her to see her eyes widen and to hear her gasp when she saw my real eye color.

"I'm princess Caliah, and before you think I lied to you, I just found out about it yesterday. I will explain more to you when I come home in 2 weeks' time, but for now, just know that that is all I can tell you, and please do not tell anyone about it. Colton already found out by accident, and you can tell Jonathan about it if you want"

"Okay, but where are you going now?" my best friend ever asked me, thankfully not pushing me for answers I don't have. I mean that's why she is my best friend right.

"I am going back to my original home for 2 weeks and we are leaving as soon as my brothers are done packing my clothes. Are you going to be okay here alone?" I asked worried about my best friend.

"Amelia! Don't sound so old and mom like, off course I am going to be alright, I still have Colton and Jonathan to keep me company and I count on texting and calling you all the time, so you better be on your phone young lady!" she said with a pointing finger in my direction.

"Okay, okay I will have my phone on me and thank you for being the best friend ever, I love you," I said trying to stand up so I could hug her but of course, she came before me and hugged me on the bed nearly making me fall back.

We laughed as we released each other just in time when Tae came in saying we were ready to go. I hugged Laura one last time before I began crutching my way out. Tae becoming impatient gave my luggage in his hand to Benjamin before taking my crutches away handing them to Lukariah as he lifted me up Bridal style all the way down to the car.

"Tae I could have walked myself you don't need to carry me!" I complained as he walked fast with a goal in his mind on where to go.

"Are you even aware of the sounds you make every time you take a step?" he asked looking down at me for 2 seconds before lifting his eyes again.

"Noo, do I make sounds?" I asked totally confused. I haven't noticed I make sounds when I walk.

"Yep, every time you take a step, you either take a sharp inhale of breath, say fuck or click your tongue repeatedly" Benjamin answered from behind us.

I looked over Tae's shoulder to see him carrying one of my bags.

"I have a question Benjamin," I said as I kept looking at him.


"Why did you pick the royal family of Belgium as a topic for our Christmas exam?" I asked. Actually, I had been curious about it from the start I just never asked.

"Good question I'm not sure myself. I was reading some news on our family and absentmindedly not really thinking about it wrote Belgium's royal family as a topic and now we work with it. Which is convenient for you now since you have a little background knowledge on it now" he answered and smiled sweetly at me.

"Actually, I don't. I never read any of what you sent me, and I never started finding out about the thing I was supposed to find out when we split the work between us", I answered sadly. "Believe me it wasn't because I don't want to get a good grade in the exam, I was just having a hard time with having to break one of the rules my parents set for me. I could have said no and chosen something else, but I didn't, and I guess it was because something drew me towards finally getting to know something about our family"

I full-on explained without getting asked why. It's so typically me, whenever I'm nervous or anxious I tend to talk a lot and explain things people didn't even ask me about. It's so embarrassing and I do it all the time. Embarrassed I hid my face in Tae's shoulder and conveniently for me, we arrived at the car waiting for us.

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