Chapter 16

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How I reached our compound I didn't know as I walked in opening the door with my phone as I immediately saw Tae up and waiting for me in the living room looking deep into his phone, probably doing some business as he always do while waiting for me. I'm surprised he's still up considering he told me he has a meeting in the early hours from what I remember he told me earlier since it is well over 2 am now.

"How did the meeting with your friends go?" he asked once I sat down with a huge sigh beside him.

"Funny, just like old times" I answered looking absentminded at the tv in front of me.

"Then what are you sighing for?" yeah Caliah good question what are you sighing for.

"Colton" I answered simply. All my brothers know exactly who is in my circle of friends, who they are and what they are majoring in kinda stalker ish but its fine.

"What did he do?" he fiddled with my hair as he often do once I sit next to him. I think it calms him, as if having a physical piece of me in his hands still attached to me, I mean gives him peace and calm in his mind.

"We kissed" I simply answered still looking at the tv screen

"I should have seen it coming" Tae said beside me as I finally directed my attention to him.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. Guess we have the same trait.

"Well, I know you haven't noticed, but often when I walk with you in the halls of school or if I pick you up, I have seen Colton nearby looking longingly after you and sometime when you see him you have got the same look in your eyes, and not just a longing for a friend but a longing for his touch, his love, his kisses"

"I didn't know you could be so cheesy" I laughed although I knew he was right, and I was shocked of how precise he described it. "But your right, something have changed between Colton and me, we are not just friends, chosen siblings anymore we are something more that only time can tell" I smiled looking away from him.

"Im only saying this once, but choose your partner wisely Caliah, the person you choose will very likely become the king by your side for our empire, choose wisely"

My brothers words haunted me all night even as I magically fell asleep the words haunted me in my dreams and I woke up in sweat, panting from the nightmare I had of our kingdom burning to the ground cause I chose the wrong partner, knowing very well a symbolic meaning lay hidden in the dream.

If I choose the wrong partner, my kingdom may very well burn to the ground with me, leaving me with a heavy burden on my shoulders. Chose the wrong partner and you will die with your people, chose the right and you will rise to the skies with your people.

Another few weeks passed as we soon reached March only 3 weeks away from spring break where I will get to go home to Belgium and spend some time with my family. Another change of plans had all my brothers and me living together as they ran their business in Belgium from USA with surprisingly good grip and control of the situation occasionally making a trip back home.

It would be foolish of Lui and I to come with them since we would spend most of the time in a plane and car getting back and forth so we just stayed in nice old USA studying like we have been doing for a long time now. Graduation is coming closer, and I don't know how to feel about it. Im both extremely excited and happy to get school over and done with while I at the same time not exactly fear what lays on the other side of graduation but more like stressed about what's to come.

My fake parents would probably go to jail, and I don't know what will happen with my sister. It doesn't matter she is their child, but I still think of her as my sister and don't want any harm to come to her no matter how annoying she can get. I will talk with father about it and make sure she ends up a good place. Sighing from my studies I decided now was probably a good time to get what I needed to get from Laura's apartment I actually never retrieved.

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