Chapter 11

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It's been a week since I got to the castle and it's been fun. Or as fun, as it can be when you have just found out the past 15 years of your life have basically been based on a crime and now you are together with your birth family.

My knee still hurts a lot and I walk slower than a turtle but all in all this week has been good. I have been spending as much time with my family as possible when their schedules allow it. And now that I have been found Tae doesn't need to take how to be king lessons anymore or what they call it and have more time for me when he isn't dealing with his own business.

Despite not having known them for the past 15 years I feel comfortable around them and actually look forward to finishing Harvard and coming back here to what I now call home and it actually feels like home to me.

Back at my fake parents' house it never felt like home to me, but I just brushed it off as nothing, thinking it was probably quite normal for my age not to know where you truly belong. I asked my father what he will do with my fake parents, and he said for now just to let them believe they were all in the clear until my graduation before he would make his move.

With that being said it also means I have to pretend to still believe they are my parents. A little hard when I now know the horrible truth about my identity and the lies, they have been spitting in my face for the past 15 years.

And because I know I will reveal myself if I go back to them and have to face them, I have come up with the most brilliant idea to stay away for Christmas from them. I will tell them I have been offered an amazing opportunity as a trainee over Christmas in England, so I can't come home.

Of course, it's a lie and in reality, I will spend Christmas with my real family instead. I look really forward to spending time with them all getting to know them more and what it will say being a princess in Belgium. I convinced my father not to take my classes away from me, and have been taking them online together with Benjamin or Lui as I call him since I got here.

We have been bonding a lot and working extremely hard on our project especially now that I am not afraid of breaking any of my fake parent's rules anymore. Their history is actually really interesting and at the same time, I get to know of my heritages life and the generations of ruling and business before me.

I still work hard on getting straight A's in all my assignments and sadly it doesn't leave me with much time to actually get to know my family. Luckily, they are all understanding of my hard work and proud of me for achieving such amazing grades.

So instead of spending the 2 weeks where I was meant to get to know them, I spent a lot of it studying with Benjamin. Every meal though we spend together and always an hour or 2 at late evening just chatting and having fun.

It's easier getting close to my brothers for me than it is getting close to my parents, and I don't know why. Maybe it's easier for me with my brothers because they're closer to my age than my parents are, or because after the truth of my fake parents my trust issues haven't exactly gotten smaller.

On the contrary, they have skyrocketed, and I am always almost obnoxiously oh what's it called suspicious when I talk to people in the castle except for my brothers and most of the time my real parents.

As the days flew by, Lui and I were getting ready to go back to America and present our Christmas project to our professor and a sensor expecting to nail it, or more like we know we will nail it. Turns out having a high IQ runs in the family, and because we are royal, they expect nothing less of us than an A.

Kinda hard expectations when you think about it, but I get it. Being a royal isn't as easy and pompous as people make it out to be. It's hard work and hours upon hours of a shit load of things we have to learn, do, basic etiquette and such. Luckily for my real family, I'm a really structured person, hardworking, determined young girl fit for a princess's life. Guess it runs in the genes despite my 15 years of absence.

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