Chapter 17

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I made it to class in time, as I sat down focusing in on the lesson pushing all of my problems to the back of my head where they wouldn't disturb me while I was in class, but I found myself disturbed anyway as I saw the guy who just learned my secret sitting at the back of the class smirking towards me as I sat down at the front with a huff.

I could feel his stare on me throughout the whole class and I tried to ignore it. A little hard when the lesson lasted 3 hours and I could feel his eyes on me every second of the 180 minutes. The only relief from his burning eyes I got was when I asked to use the restroom in the last hour, breathing a sigh of relief once I made it out of the classroom doors, but even then, I felt like his eyes were still on me.

By the time, the lesson was over I walked out happy my time in the same room with him was over until I learned my next 2 lessons also involved him. How in hell did I not notice he was in here too before! As a matter of fact, now that I think back on it, I think he is in almost all of my classes if not all of them.

How annoying, a man wanting to have me in his bed I share all my classes with. A handsome devilishly sexy man I share all my classes with. I can't deny it, he is sexy, high cheekbones, blue-black hair, straight nose, and sharp sapphire blue eyes with a strong lean body patently from many hours spend in the gym or whatever he does to keep himself fit. Again, ignoring him I focused on the class at hand taking notes and such when our professor began talking of the exams that will start as soon as spring break is over.

"Your exam in this class will be in pairs you decide, it is to show how well you work together with other people a major part out in the real world and how you will handle an assignment like the one you will receive after break. You have till right before break to figure out who your partner might be" what! I hate working in pairs at exams as important as these. I groaned inside myself as I began packing my stuff together the bell already having dismissed us most people hurrying of for their last lesson or something else like home or work, friends. As I was on my way back to my condo the Greek god turned up walking beside me.

"What do you say about working together my princess, im smart, you're smart and you wouldn't have to deal with all the others you clearly don't want to work with even Laura, so what do you say, shall we be partners?" he asked with a grin on his face still walking beside me.

"It sounds like you are asking me to be your partner in crime and no, rather Laura over you" I answered with a roll of my eyes.

"But my queen, doesn't it sound tempting spending a lot of time with a sexy chunk of meat like me for weeks until we have to perform our work together" he whispered into my ear teasing my waist by rubbing circles on it with his hand.

"No" I ripped myself free from his grip walking more determined towards home.

"A challenge I like it, just you wait baby Queen, before spring break has come around, I will be sure to have make you change your mind, maybe already tomorrow" he whispered again in my ear standing right in front of me as he held my wrists stopping me from pushing him away. He pulled a little back so I could see his smirk and as I thought he would kiss my lips he kissed at the corner instead sending tingles down my spine, and a blush on my cheeks as he walked away.

"It's Elias king by the way, I know you wondered what my name was, so you could moan it into the night as you pleasure yourself" I thought he had left, apparently not as he reappeared behind me his lips grazing my neck as he whispered the haunting words into my ear his hands again playing with my waist as I stood still with rage.

"Listen Elias, keep your hands of me or I swear to god I will hit you in the face" I turned around fuming seeing his amused face as he didn't even step back from me but only raised his brow.

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