Chapter 14

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We had walked in silence for a while window shopping trying to find the right presents at a calm tempo when my brother's voice spoke up, the voice now more mature than the one that had haunted my dreams for years still giving me goosebumps every time I heard it.

"Caliah" his soft honest voice made me stop op turning around to face his tired persona, I hadn't noticed before.

"Tae, what's wrong you look so tired?" I asked worried stepping closer to him taking his cold hand in mine.

"It's nothing I'm just busy with work" I could see he was lying as I got a stern look in my eyes to tell me what was really going on.

"It's just... how do you feel about all of this, none of us can really come up with an answer, you hide your feelings pretty well?" hearing his answer I pulled him into a nearby café, sitting him down in front of me ordering us a hot Cocoa each stalling purposefully to try and find an answer to his question.

"Caliah?" Tae's hand softly touched mine pulling me back to the real world from my thoughts.

"I don't know how to answer your question Cimmerian" I think it was the first time I ever said his name and I could see he was surprised by the way his brow lifted and he sat gracefully back on his chair waiting for me to elaborate.

"This year even before you all came has been troublesome. I've had a lot of problems with my knees, with my fake family in Spain, money, I hardly slept before and still hardly do, I suffer with insomnia and have been doing so for a while.

Then the day before my birthday I run into this guy who reminded me a lot of myself from the way he looked, and then he saw my eye and called you over and everything from there went downhill. I cried for hours on end cause I didn't know what to do. My world was rambling down around me and I found out who I really am.

Not Amelia Carpy but a princess the lost heir to an entire kingdom, the biggest in the world. I've always felt I was different from other people, that I didn't belong, that I belonged somewhere else I just didn't know where. Before you guys this emptiness filled me, I felt alone and broken somehow despite my best friends I met here on campus...." A small silence went by as I looked out the window holding my warm cup of chocolate in my hands.

"I was devastated when I learned the truth, I couldn't believe that all my life had been a lie based on a crime that didn't just ruin my life." I said and fiddled with the necklace Cimmerian gave me himself when I was born.

"But also, my real family's as I disappeared into the big wide world kept hidden for years before I was allowed to attend a real school cause my sister was born. I have always known something was weird about my living situation, knew something was wrong but as a naïve child I thought nothing off it, I pushed the feeling of something was terribly wrong away and lived my life the way my parents told me to do.

And now that I have you, my real family, my world is still tumbling down with insomnia, endless thoughts of my life situation in general, how I am going to do this being a princess in a world as fucked up as ours, and not just a princess but eventually a queen to a people I don't know, I don't even know how to speak your language!" I took a sip of my cocoa now able to drink it without burning my tongue.

"It's all so overwhelming and stressing but at the same time im feeling more than blessed and touched by an angel that I have finally found you guys again. Like one of the missing pieces of my life have finally been found and put together with the rest.

I'm somehow calmed down while still stressed about school, the royal life, my fake family, and you guys. But I know that in the end the storm about to come will reveal the prettiest rainbow the world has ever seen.

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