Chapter 23

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Groaning as I woke up, I lifted my head for a moment forgetting what happened to me when my mind finally registered what was happening. I was hanging with my arms tied to the ceiling my heels touching the floor, but just barely still in the same dress as before.

It took me a second but once the second passed I realized I wasn't in the room alone. A few meters in front of me was Elias hanging in the same position and still in the same clothes as from the ball, looking at me worriedly, when the door suddenly opened my jaw literally dropping at the god walking in.

"I thought kidnappers weren't supposed to be hot" Great Caliah you see your kidnapper and that's the first thing you say. God I'm so stupid. The handsome kidnapper chuckled a dangerous grin playing at his lips as he walked closer to me.

"I must say, you are the most gorgeous girl I have ever kidnapped" his deep voice sent chills down my back as I looked into his dark almost black eyes.

"So, it's a regular thing you do?" I asked trying to lure some information out of him although he could probably rape me, and I wouldn't even mind. Okay that's a lie, I would mind but he is just so sexy I wouldn't mind having sex with him.

"You can say that" he smirked looking me up and down as if he were having the same thoughts as me.

"What do you really want to do with us, where is the benefit in kidnapping us?" I asked leaning my head a little to the side, faking my "I'm perfectly fine and not scared of you" attitude. I have a killer headache and my arms hurt.

"Well, you see, you are both the inheritor of a big kingdom and potentially a future couple connecting the 2 biggest monarchies of the world so off course I had to stop that" a what, who's the other inheritor he is talking about? Looking over at Elias with scrunched brows in confusion I soon got my answer as rage suddenly filled me.

"How the hell could you not tell me such an important thing Elias!" I shouted in anger feeling the urge to slap him as hard as I could right now. Being tied to the ceiling made it annoyingly impossible. I looked back down at my kidnapper with heated eyes really wanting to take a swing at him too no matter how hot he is.

"You barely knew who you was yourself and after hurting you that night I thought you never wanted anything to do with me again. And the way you looked at me with so much anger and hurt at the ball, the same with your brothers I assumed I should just keep away from you" we were in a heated argument almost forgetting our current problem.

"Why the hell did you dance with me then Elias, what is your problem!?" I yelled tears threatening to fall down my cheeks as I barely noticed the hot man our kidnapper standing beside me watching our fight with interested eyes.

"I couldn't help myself, I missed you so much" he whispered with hurt eyes. What the hell is he feeling hurt for, I'm the one he f*cking hurt!

Turning my head away from him I looked at our kidnapper with cold eyes waiting for him to speak. Tripping a little on my spot the chains hurting my arms and the heels killing my feet, our kidnapper raised his brows as he only had eyes for me the entire time he had been in here.

"Does it hurt princess?" he asked mockingly walking even closer to me than before. Reaching up he did something to my chains, loosening them as I fell a little forward gasping as the kidnappers hands grabbed me, before steadying me on my feet. Before he could tighten the chains, I kicked off my heels, standing on my feet suddenly a lot smaller than the kidnapper making him have to loosen the chains a little again.

"Done adjusting yourself?" he asked annoyed as I nodded weakly. He rolled his eyes sexily before leaving the room with only a little torch to light us up.

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