Chapter 8

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Back to Caliahs POV:

It was late at night when it knocked on the door. Colton and Jonathan had already left a few hours earlier using the excuse they needed to study for a test they have tomorrow, and I didn't mind it. I know how important it is to pass these tests and I myself would always bail or leave earlier from a party or get together with my friends just for the sake of studying and passing all my classes with an A. Therefore, it came as a surprise when it knocked on the door this late, usually, when it was Jonathan or Colton they would just walk in rarely even knock before just barging in and they knew where we had an extra key so if the door was locked they would just get that instead and lock themselves in.

I was sitting on the couch, as Laura stood up to get the door so I wouldn't have to move around with my knee. I was perfectly fine sitting studying when Laura called my attention.

"Amelia, someone is asking for you, can you come to the door?"

"Yeah sure 2 seconds"

When I came in view of the door, I didn't look up to see who it was that was calling for me. I was too focused on trying to walk with my crutches without yelping out in pain every time I moved my knee. When I had finally crutched my way to the door Laura had left me to the people, I hadn't even seen who were yet and couldn't pinpoint who since they didn't speak or make any noises as I made my way to the door. It wasn't before I stood fully in front of the door that I lifted my head to see who it was and to say I got the shock of my life is an understatement. With all the pain and passing out I had been living in for the last few hours, they had totally slipped my mind and I temporarily forgot they even existed. So, when I did lift my head to see who wanted to speak with me, my eyebrows lifted and I forgot how to speak for a moment, just staring at them, all 5 of them standing in front of me all looking down at my leg clearly wondering what had happened in the span of a few hours since I last saw them. I cleared my throat and that seemed to wake them up from their stupor-like state, their eyes now looking at my face instead.

"What happened my dear?" my mother asked me as the first to speak

"Old knee injury happened, and overloading happened leading to both ripped ligaments obviously in my right knee," I said looking at them like they didn't affect me, but in truth on my insides I was freaking out that they were here.

"Ohh" was the only thing she had to say and looked back over at her husband my father.

"Sorry about your knee Caliah, but we need to talk, can we come inside?" The king stated and asked me as he looked inside my small apartment. I sighed but agreed to his proposal, we do need to talk, I can't avoid this conversation and facing the truth forever. So, I turned around slowly leading them into the living room where Laura sat doing some homework.

"Sorry Laura, but do you think you can do your homework in your room?" I asked her as she came into view.

"Sure hon, anything for you," she said, packed her things, and came over to me for a hug secretly whispering in my ear.

"You have something to explain later" I nodded and hugged her again before walking over to the couch my family still standing behind me only waiting for me to sit. It was first when I sat down and gestured for them to sit down, they took a seat.

My 3 brothers sat down on the floor in front of the tv with crossed legs my mom on the left side of me on the couch and my father on the extra comfortable chair we had to sit on. We sat in awkward silence for a while, as I fiddled with my fingers in the meantime trying to ease the nervousness inside of me. When no one decided to speak I decided to be the grown-up and start first.

"Why are you here?" I asked my voice low but firm

"To see and speak with you" I looked up to see the brother I hadn't talked with yet answering for the others.

"Oh" was the only thing I said not really knowing what to say.

"It's been 15 years Caliah, and now suddenly out of nowhere we see you here at Harvard, it's a lot to process, I hope you understand that," my mother said finally deciding to speak up.

"First of it's Amelia, it's the name I have been used to for apparently 15 years now and I understand you Tallulah, it is a lot to take in"

"If you don't mind Amelia, can you tell us about what has happened to you in the last 15 years?" King Alessio asked me while he looked at me and after me his wife sitting next to me.

"Until I was 9, I think, I was homeschooled and never allowed to leave home no matter what. I didn't understand why, but as a naïve little child I didn't think much of it, I thought it was normal for other children to be homeschooled and never allowed to leave home. So around when I turned 9 my mother gave birth to my little sister and my parents got so busy with her that they couldn't take care of me either.

So, they made me do a promise to them that if I had to be allowed to attend a normal school, I would always wear special colored contact lenses so people wouldn't notice my eye color and under no circumstances take them out or tell other children or adults about them.

The same with my birthmark I wasn't allowed to show or tell that either. In a desperate try to go out and experience the world outside of the walls of my house, I agreed without really thinking much about it and just did as I was told.

It wasn't before I had been out in real school for a while that something with how I had grown up seemed wrong. All the other kids seemed to have stories to tell from that time they did that, or they did that, and I had nothing to tell. But already back then I was a smart kid and decided to ignore it and not think about it and just try to focus on getting some good friends.

Being a smart kid had its advances, it didn't take long before I skipped several classes before I said stop and wanted to just take it from there not wanting to take the most of my youth away too fast. Although the material we had about still was fairly easy, contrary to the other students in my class I watched have it hard. That's how I landed at Harvard at such a young age already graduating in a little over 7 months' time.

I have always suspected something was off about my parents, they always kept making sure I hadn't shown my eye color to anyone or my birthmark. And ordered me to never watch the "trash" news about the lost princess from Belgium and me being a nice girl always following her parents' word I did exactly what they said and never once have I broken any of their rules for me.

That's how I have always been clueless about actually being the princess since I most likely would have found out years ago if it weren't for my parents, that now isn't actually my parents. Even though the evidence was there right in front of me I ignored it. I know I don't look anywhere near how my parents look not even one bit, but my sister totally looks like my parents, and over the years I have often gotten comments on how I don't look like my parents and if I am sure that I am not adopted or something along the lines of that.

The only thing linking me back to you guys that I have remembered is the weird dream I have had nearly every night for the last, yeah probably 15 years. Where I would be dreaming about a little boy calling me Caliah and then I would run towards him, call him Tae and he would engulf me in a hug, but then somehow disappear in my arms leaving me all alone in the dark calling out his name but no one ever comes." As I recalled the dream I looked directly at Tae and watched how surprised and saddened he looked about the part I didn't tell him yesterday.

"And then the necklace I have that I just thought came from my parents since nothing else but a heart with "I love you" stands on it"

I finished my explanation of my life over the last 15 years, looking back down at my legs not daring to look up at the others to see their reactions. It's not like I was afraid of their reactions I just didn't want to see them, so I kept my head down while thinking of a dozen other things in the meantime.

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