Chapter 7

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I hurried to my apartment and locked myself inside before walking over to the kitchen where I boiled some water in the kettle and took some noodles down from the cabinet. The door opened, in coming a worried looking Colton as I walked over to the couch with my burning cup noodles. I didn't even make it 2 steps before a loud snap was heard from my right knee and I almost immediately fell to the ground my noodles falling from my hands as I cried out in pain. I didn't even notice Colton running over to me as I was slipping in and out of consciousness from the pain and probably from all the stress and crying, I had been doing lately. When I regained consciousness Colton was carrying me in his arms and I noticed Laura and Jonathan around us looking extremely worried and when they noticed I was awake they kept throwing questions at me.

"Oh god, Amelia are you okay, what happened!?" Laura asked her voice laced with extreme worry

"I'm fine Laura, it just hurts" I managed to clench out of my teeth before Colton interrupted me

"With the way you speak, you clearly aren't 'fine' Amelia, we are going to the hospital"

"Noo Colton I'm fine, I just need to rest for a few hours and then I will be good as new!" I said desperately not wanting to go to the hospital at knowing I can't pay the bill and I don't want my friends to pay it for me.

"Amy shut your mouth, I'm taking you to the hospital and that's it!" Colton grumbled slightly raising his voice, so I shut my mouth like he said not wanting to anger or worry him further.

It was pure hell coming into the car, and just as much hell coming out of it again, so when we all reached the hospital Colton still carrying me in his arms, tears were running down my face in pain from all the moving of my knee and jumbling that we had been doing to get here. We came in and Colton explained my situation to a nurse or someone I didn't really pay attention because of the pain and he carried me into a room where everything after that happened in a blur, the pain and exhaustion causing me to continuously blackout. My doctor also said it was abnormal to pass out because of the pain I suffered and confirmed my suspicions by saying it was because I was so stressed and exhausted on top of my pain adding more to it all and causing me to blackout all the time.

By the time we were done at the hospital, the doctor had explained to me that I had ripped both my ligaments in my right knee over. He had given me a pad that only allowed my knee to bend and stretch it to prevent it from doing any side movement, and a couple of crutches to walk with. And of course prescribed pain killers to kill my pain off course. When we got back home, my noodles were removed from the floor and a heavenly smell of pizza came from the living room where Jonathan and Laura sat.

They had taken home an hour before us so they could clean my noodles up and order some food for us to eat since we were all starving. Technically it was still my birthday or fake birthday as I now know it is, and there was still a couple of hours left to enjoy the day. I crutched my way over to the couch where I slowly sat down and started eating the pizza with the best friends of the world forgetting about everything else only focusing on what was happening in front of me now.

3 POV:

In another part of Harvard King Alessio was talking to the headmaster of Harvard after his incident with his lost daughter. He couldn't believe it, he finally found her, here at Harvard, when he first accepted coming here to make a speech about different things, he only thought it was something he had to get over with and continue doing something else when he was done planning on leaving as soon as he was done talking for the students. But then that brilliant girl with the dark sunglasses walked up on stage, presented as Amelia Carpy valedictorian of the whole school in average, and an excuse as to why she was wearing sunglasses inside and didn't take them off, turns out she is extremely sensitive to light. If that didn't spark his interest then her proposal on her cars surely did, never in his 47 years of life and 27 years of being king had he heard such an extraordinary out of the world fantastic idea.

It baffled him how a little girl like her, barely 18 could think of such a thing so thoroughly without missing a single thing in her speech, covering all might asked questions. Therefore, when she stood and ran away from the auditorium like she did after he had done his speech, he wanted to follow her and ask her what was wrong, maybe comfort her and tell her everything was going to be okay. Not only her smartness had captivated him but something about her captivated him as well. How she held herself, like a princess not letting anyone tramp her down, or how her hair looked extremely alike to his daughter and wife, or the little freckle on her left hand between her index finger and middle finger, something his daughter also had.

The thoughts began swimming around in his head and he couldn't help but think if it were really her, but quickly cast the thought away not wanting to get his hopes up. Out of kindness and her being able to impress him with her idea on cars not many are able to he praised her idea to the skies before starting to talk about what he had come here for. It hadn't slipped his eyes how his sons kept looking at the brilliant girl, but he again ignored thinking they just thought she was pretty or something. As his speech was coming to an end, he turned over to what he always talked lastly about to meetings like this and talked about his long-lost kidnapped daughter especially today since it has been 15 years since she was kidnapped, and they lost her. He was about to round his speech when the girl he had been so interested in and many people had turned to look on when he started to talk about Caliah, ran up and left in a hurry, looking like the devil was hot on her tails.

He quickly walked out trying to find the girl after the headmaster apologized on her behalf and found her sitting on a bench crying her heart out a little away from the auditorium. He walked over to her and put his hand on her knee, noticing how she stiffened, and asked the question that would change his family back for the better forever.

When she was done ranting her heart out and showing her true self, the daughter he had just been talking about not even 5 minutes ago and the girl he convinced himself couldn't be his daughter when he thought about it back in the auditorium. She ran away from them, and all the king and queen could do was stare wide eyed in the direction of where their daughter disappeared yet another time the only difference is now, they know where she is and their 3 sons looking shamefully down into the ground.

The king didn't even turn to ask his sons about what she said was true and why they didn't tell him, he immediately walked back to the auditorium in hope to find the headmaster still there. He found him and they all moved to his office where the king began using his royal power a little on the headmaster and demanded to give the special girl Amelia Carpy 2 weeks off right away and pushing all her assignments some weeks back.

And he did, all her school work were now canceled for the next 2 weeks, and her assignments were pushed back as well. While all that happened, what they didn't know was that Amelia or Caliah as the girl they know her as had been in an accident and had been on a trip to the hospital and now had to use crutches to be able to walk and wear a pad to heal for at least 6 weeks. 


Welp another chapter, hope you like it;)

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