Chapter 6

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Satisfied with how I looked I put my sunglasses on and walked out to my friends waiting on me just walking out like I usually did. I showered before I got my presents so it wasn't because I would stink of horses and the other activities of the day when we made it to the lecture. This lecture was kind of special since all attending students at Harvard had to attend because some important figure with his sons and wife were coming and telling us about life, business, and such things. Arriving at the huge room where the lecture where held me, and my friends sat in the front since it was asked of me sit in front because I right now was the Valedictorian of the whole school, and they would like to see me in front or something like that and yeah because of my presentation. We sat down with Colton on my right side, Laura on my left, and Jonathan beside her. I kept my sunglasses on so no one would notice my eye color and of course Colton being the observant him he noticed why I was wearing them right away but didn't comment on it. In fact, it isn't the first time I have worn sunglasses inside, since I started attending Harvard the professors and students here have come to know that I often wear them inside because I am very sensitive to light and I am. It is just often that I only wear them so I can take a day off from wearing my lenses and give my eyes a break. So, when I had to speak in front of a class or bigger crowds like I was going to today I wouldn't be asked to take them off although it's quite disrespectful, but I have been allowed to wear them no matter the occasion. I looked up from my phone and turned it off when the headmaster began to talk and introduce the people coming and talking to us today. And of course, it is the royal family, my real family. I sunk deeper into the seat but kept my eyes and ears on the stage as the royal family sat down in chairs. My hands were beginning to sweat since I knew it was me to speak first before my real family and I was getting nervous knowing I had to go up there near them on the stage. The headmaster's voice fell on my ears asking me to come up so I could speak.

"And now we have Amelia Carpy who would like to talk about a project she started on, at the beginning of the year. And as many of you already know Amelia is extremely sensitive to light so that's why she is wearing sunglasses inside, it is not because she wants to be disrespectful her eyes are just sensitive. Now let's welcome Harvard's valedictorian Amelia Carpy" my headmaster's voice boomed out before applause rang out in the auditorium and stopped once I stood in front of everyone.

Colton gave me a little side hug before I went up and ignored the knowing gazes from my brothers and took the stage going into cold and professional mode.

I am supposed to talk about a project I have been working on alone since school started so I began, and let's just say there were many raised eyebrows in surprise, wonder, and astonishment over my presentation on how I have been designing and planning how to make a totally climate-friendly car all-inclusive also where it will end when it is done, which will take years since it can drive for around 35-40 years without breaking down.

When I was done everyone stood up from their chairs and applauded me with loud claps for a few minutes before I shortly talked with the headmaster and walked down to my seat. But not before giving a cold smirk towards my brothers, who still looked amazed at my presentation about my cars, clearly not expecting that.

I sat back down where my friends sat and got attacked with comments and remarks about my oh-so-amazing business idea. I know it's a good idea I just don't understand why everyone would gush so much over it like how people talk about a popular singer in a scandal. I just smiled and made some small talk with them before our headmaster shushed us again and gave the word to the king.

"And now to our special guest king Alessio Aracell of Belgium and his family that will be talking to you about business, life, and a little personal remark at last" I froze at the headmaster's last words. I know today is 15 years ago their daughter and little princess me disappeared and I can't help getting a bad feeling about this.

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