
995 26 18

℘lease ℒove ℋim... ℱor ℳe

༺ ȡid ϒou ℒove ℋim?

ϒes ༻

༺ ℋow ℳuch?

ȡoes ℐt ℳatter? ༻

༺ Ꮚhy ȡoes ℐt ȵot?

ℬecause ℐt Ꮚasn't ℰnough ťo ℳake ℳe ȿtay ༻

༺ Ꭿn ℐnnocent ℬoy

Ꭿ Ċharming ℴne ༻

༺ Ꭿ ℒifetime ȡream

ťo ᶄeep ťhem Ꭿpart ༻


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Baby,you saw the description, tags and disclaimer...you knew this ride will have no red lights,you knew what you were getting into and clicked anyway,I have nothing to feel sorry for,we both know you'll enjoy and ask for more

Here's a blanket from your golden writer,to keep you warm

℘lease ℒove ℋim... ℱor ℳe ༺ℋyunin༻ ✔Where stories live. Discover now