༺ 69 ༻ way back home

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Lee know's POV:

-"so son you're saying that becoming a professional Ferrari racer was your first ultimate dream right?! "
-Lee know: "exactly yes"

Asked mister han,receiving a quick answer of me

-Lee know:"ever since i a
reached a specific age,can't tell if its 4 or maybe 5,wherever was a cartoon or maybe a movie with race themed, I couldn't help but feel like...sucked in,that world,I've never felt excited towards anything, you see dad?!"
-"yes I can see it"
-Lee know: "years later after attending some race event,I pointed out that race track with my finger and said,that's it,that's where I'd like to be,that's where I should be winning, and it came"
-"tell me more"
-Lee know:"with the right education and knowledge, I reached what I wanted to reach "
-"I'm really proud of you lino,I'm so proud of your goals and you were able to reach out for your dreams"
-Lee know:"there is more dreams I'd like to reach dad"
-"is that so?"

That trip was over fast,as each one of us already made it back home,except for hyunjin and IN,where they decided to spend more days and head over busan after that

They must be heading over IN's hometown by now

Jisung's father called me earlier, so I can have dinner with the rest of the family

For now me and mister han are sitting in the living room,having a small chat about my education, well career to be quite specific

Jisung and misses han were dealing with dinner,along side with his hyung

Their laughs could be heard getting mixed with mine and his Father

I felt Happy,for the very first time of my life

Its not like I've never felt Happy with my own success or with my closest friends,yet this happens got it own taste,touch and affection

It feels so great,surrounded by warm of this house,this family, everything

I felt myself happy, because I've never talked about me to anyone, not for someone out of my squad's circle

So sharing it and being open about it feels great

I'm happy, I guess,this is the missing puzzle I've been looking and searching for

A warmth and love of a family

I thought looking over misses and mister han

And a special feeling, for a special someone

Thinking again,but this time,looking over a cute hannie with a cute wide smile on his face

Although me and mister han were having one deep conversation but that didn't distracted me from observing jisung, and jisung's presence didn't distracted me nor made me lose focus on our conversation

With a smile on my face,I added

-Lee know: "yes,one last dream"

Its crazy the happiness and joy jisung has been bringing into my life

Its crazy how much I'd like to keep him near me,all time, every time

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