༺ 25 ༻ feel a scene

203 11 64

Hyunjin's POV:

-hyunjin: "guys even if its just a simple kiss,it has to look as realistic as a real one"

I started on explaining, then stopped for a while

Pushing my blonde locks behind a little

Since I became the new temporary not so temporary drawing teacher,so here I'm

Every single week,thank god its just one time per week

I guess, teacher had an advantage in this,or maybe its a win situation for him

After all,he ain't showing over here at all

Here I'm again,taking my center position,standing in the middle of that class,tables surrounding me while the rest trying to work out a drawing

Yet turns out they ain't doing as well as I excepted

Even for a simple kiss

-hyunjin: "many might see it as a simple kiss yet its not the case,a true art fan would observe and look over every detail,each one who's passionate enough about art,wouldn't mess a single detail of it,from seeing it to feeling it"
-"feeling it how?!"

A voice echoing through that so silent class

-hyunjin: "its not about seeing it its about feeling it,when you see a drawing, you can feel it,its same as reading a book and feeling involved Or maybe feeling the character's ,feeling his experience and emotions, same goes for drawing a kiss,the viewers has to feel it,more than seeing it"
-"yes sir"
-hyunjin: " anyone got kissed before?!"

And my question received nothing but silence as an answer

-hyunjin: "okay,I need a volunteer,anyone?!"

Within I finished my question, plus 12 hand was hanged up

Hmmm craving for it aren't y'all?

I thought, after taking a glance around the class

And for my luck,IN walked in

A smirk,I felt it appears on my face

Wearing some shorts looking cute

-IN: "umm hyung-"-hyunjin: "great,thank you IN so much for your help"

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-IN: "umm hyung-"
-hyunjin: "great,thank you IN so much for your help"

Cutting him off,as he called me out while raising his hand up

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