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Jeongin's POV:

Four of us went inside the car,after we made sure to have breakfast

-"Bye kids,have fun and pay attention!"

Yelled misses han waving good bye to us,same goes for her husband

With bangchan hyung driving, seungmin right next him,me and jisung sitting behind and so our drive took it start

-Bangchan:"Okay before Getting professional, tell me how do you know that kid"
-seungmin: "clearly you won't shut up about it unless I'll tell you how,then fine,we used to date back in highschool"
-bangchan:"I knew it!"

yelled hyung losing control on that car,almost getting us in a car accident

-IN: "I'm too young to die hyung!"
-bangchan:"I'm so sorry kids I just...I can't believe you cheated on me?! Why? And how?!"
-seungmin: "why because he asked me out and I said yes,how,well how would you know? You were busy working on your music"
-bangchan:"it doesn't make any sense"
-seungmin: "couldn't agree more,anyway, jisung and IN let me give a quick intro ,so college, unlike highschool ,is different, clearly, when it comes to arts college,well,you'll find 90% of them are actually spoiled, rich brats,or easily,just in love with whatever is related to arts

What you might find in arts college, more of type of students in there,we have,popular boys and girls,problematic students,guitar students, drama queens and kings,mostly kings,the stars,artistes, lovebirds, overconfident, these category are found mostly on theaters,toilet students, the bully"
-IN:"There is bullies in college?"
-seungmin: "yes,and many"
-IN: "well that's sad"
-seungmin: "I know love,and let's not forget, the freeloaders,players,detention students, genius,silent students, the unpredictables,overactive, teacher's pet"
-jisung:"For a moment I thought some only exist in highschool"
-seungmin: "oh you thought Honey, last but not least,natural leaders,jocks,nerds,clueless, intellectual outsiders, hard workers"
-IN: "long list"
-seungmin: "now let's talk about hyunjin,imma give you few facts about him,once we arrive over college I'll tell you guys more,so as you can see..."

stopped seungmin, passing me his phone over , with hyunjin pictures on it

-seungmin: "hyunjin is already gaining much fame and popularity many others worked on for years,he achieved it in only few hours before attending university,due his famous background, it was easy for him to keep the title still"

-seungmin: "hyunjin is already gaining much fame and popularity many others worked on for years,he achieved it in only few hours before attending university,due his famous background, it was easy for him to keep the title still"

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