༺ 83 ༻ jisung to my lee?!

103 5 66

Changbin's POV:

-changbin:"are they going to show up anytime sooner?!"

Asking that part,after we finally made it inside that college

After spending one month dealing with exams,here we are back again to the usually routine

Let along the first ever public appearance to the most famous,going globale couples ever

Taking my seat,along with Felix down some stairs near the main building's entrance, that court full with students, probably waiting for the couples to show up

-bangchan: "soon enough,I mean IN and jisung would never show up late for school so"

Bangchan hyung soon appeared alone, taking his seat along with us

Looking kinda tired,probably lacking sleep,judging from his tired eyes

-Felix: "morning hyung"
-bangchan:"hi honey "
-changbin: "you have huge ass bags under your eyes hyung"
-bangchan: "I'm not getting much sleep lately"

He added,scratching his eyes slightly

-Felix: "why?!"
-bangchan: "working"
-changbin:"oh you mean working on seungmin?! "
-Felix: "no..."
-bangchan: "both"
-seungmin: "CHRISTOPHER!"

seungmin jumped out of no where yelling, making hyung both jump and startle a bit

-changbin: "and speaking of the devil!"
-bangchan: "Jesus!"
-seungmin:"nah,just me,can you help me with my homework thou?!"
-Felix: "the one who keeps you wake all night is here hyung!"

Felix joined in,a kooky tone held in his words,glancing back again,only to find him wearing one huge smirk on his face

-seungmin: "channie,could you-"
-bangchan: "I told you to stop calling me that"
-changbin: "I think channie is cute thou"
-seungmin: "sorry,daddy could you help me?!"
-Felix: "much better"
-changbin:"hey seungmin,heard you're keeping hyung busy and awake all night, is that right?!"
-bangchan: "you won't stop about that right?!"

I could see hyung glaring at me from the corner of my eye,yet I couldn't help but tease him up a bit

-seungmin: "no,channie is staying awake all night because he's drinking much coffee in the morning"
-Felix: "you should slow down on it"
-seungmin: "mostly all the time,yes"
-bangchan: "I'm drinking it so I can work properly"
-seungmin: "well channie,you can always work properly, without drinking much coffee, for real,why do you have it everyday? Will you die if you don't drink it or something?"
-Felix: "see?!"
-bangchan: "but you might"
-seungmin: "you're so mean channie"

Seungmin answered back fast,pouting a bit,arms crosses up his chest

-bangchan: "seriously, stop Calling me that!"
-seungmin: "MAKE ME!"

Yelled back min,this time a smirk held up his figure

Me and Felix exchanged one smirk,knowing good what he meant

While hyung end up staring blankly at him

-bangchan: "what?!"
-Felix: "he meant dick me down or shut the fuck up"
-bangchan: "later,lunch time"
-seungmin: "fuck yes,can't wait!"

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