༺ 29 ༻ Too Far?! pt 1/2

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One week later


-IN: "how's your ankle now jisung?!"

My question was echoing down that empty neighborhood

As me and jisung end up walking side to side,from college to our houses

Seungmin and bangchan hyung decided to head over and watch a movie

Small talks were exchanged between the two of us

-jisung: "much better than last time,after staying home for one week"

Ah yes,one thing I forgot to mention is,he stayed for one week and came back to practice like nothing happened to him

-IN: "how did that even happened?"
-jisung: "I went out the other night and fell down,one guy helped me out"
-IN: "wait?! Really?!"
-jisung: "yes,his name was Eric,well,he somehow saw me falling, and took me home after"
-IN: "fairytale style huh?!"

Throwing a question over him,now looking over my left,catching a glance of his face

-jisung: "he was nice"
-IN: "I'm happy for you"
-jisung: "its not like anything happened"
-IN: "well I know but still-ouch"

Letting a whimper skip my mouth as I stopped a little, resting my palm on top of my knee,pain expression made presence on my face

-jisung: "hey IN,you're okay?!"

Out of concern, jisung checked on me,his palm resting over my back

-IN: "its nothing serious hyung,probably due this morning practice"
-jisung: "you need help,I'll look after you"
-IN: "its fine trust me,I'll just go home and rest for a while,pain will be gone"
-jisung: "are you sure?I can stay at yours and look after you"
-IN: "its fine trust me"

Within few seconds, my house was visible over my Right

-IN: "see you tomorrow hyung"
-jisung: "sure IN,take care please,and if you need anything just call me,I'll be there within a second"
-IN: "promise I will,say hi to the rest"

With that said,waving good bye to each other

Stepping inside my house and closing that door behind

Being welcomed with nothing but pure silence

Rest,and by this I mean,mom,dad and my siblings went over busan,so they can check on the rest of the family

They've been gone for two days now
Well,now its me alone

Putting that backpack of mine down ground, unable to even step over living room,or my bedroom

Unable even to grab something to eat

Letting my back make contact with that wall,letting it slide down, until I founded myself sitting there,on my grey outfit

Letting my back make contact with that wall,letting it slide down, until I founded myself sitting there,on my grey outfit

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