༺ 96 ༻ stay away!

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Lee know's POV:

Stepping on some clean cloths,after taking and coming out my bathroom

A towel drying my hair ,going back to my original hair Color

A towel drying my hair ,going back to my original hair Color

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-"sir,lunch is ready"

Cathryn announced, after stepping inside my already open bedroom

-Lee know: "I'll be down in two minutes Cathryn, thank you"

Bowing in response, as she took her leave

Soon after, my phone ringing caught my attention

Picking it up from my bed and checking the caller ID, only to find it chan hyung

Bangchan is Calling...📞

-Lee know: "hello?!"
-bangchan: "come at my place,now"
-Lee know:"okay be there-"

Yet before I could even finish my word,only to let myself snap a bit,after he ended that phone call fast

-Lee know: "unbelievable"

With a sigh skipping my mouth, I finished my words

Few minutes later

Bangchan's POV:

Letting a slap land over his left cheek,making his head snap over the opposite side moment he stepped in

After ending up standing face to face over my living room

-bangchan: "you're selfish Lee know"
-seungmin: "hyung!"

And seungmin standing few feet apart from us,more of over the corner

-Lee know: "is that so?!"

He asked,turning, facing me now

-bangchan: "why did you decide to show up after all these years?to ruin his life again!that's what you want!?"

At that moment it was only my voice echoing inside that house,probably down that neighborhood too

-Lee know: "no"
-bangchan: "then you have no reason to be here,or be close to him,so step back!"
-Lee know:"don't tell me what to do!"

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