༺ 8 ༻ we're in

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Few days later

Hyunjin's POV:


I Whispered ,after moving over my right,on top of some soft sheet

Moment i opened my eyes,only to be welcomed with some sharp kind of pain over my head

Sunlight hitting my eyes and face coming through that window,making it  a little bit hard for me to see

Soon after that,and after my vision became clear,i found myself on my Bedroom

Thank god,at least I didn't sleep outside

I thought

Glancing over a little, as i spot Felix there,sleeping on top of changbin,over that sofa set on my room

Well i wouldn't mind nor complain,after throwing a party last night over my house

And they're not the only ones left,the others are actually sleeping down living room,and each corner of this mansion

soon i felt a presence, more of an arm resting on top of me

The touch felt kinda,close if I can put it correctly

Checking down a little,only to find an arm resting around my naked waist

Looking behind me a little only to spot Lee know sleeping deeply,also naked

His hair covering his face

-Lee know:"what?!"

Well turns out he ain't sleeping at all

Although he answered me with his eyes still shut

-hyunjin: "I think we fucked"
-Lee know:"no"
-hyunjin: "I mean it,and I think I fucked you, because I can't feel no pain in my ass"

I added,I was able to actually feel Lee know rolling his eyes behind his closed eyes

Feeling his hand slide off my skin,pulling that sheet off our bodies

Only to reveal our lower half,actually covered with our jeans

Jeans still on

-hyunjin:"oh,we didn't "

Letting a long sigh skip my mouth,I kept holding it for almost three minutes

-Lee know:"don't worry, we didn't fuck"

Talked back hyung with his morning raspy voice

-hyunjin: "I wouldn't mind if we did"

I confessed, getting up a little, letting my feet making contact with that carpet

-Lee know:"I'm your hyung!"

Yelled lino,throwing his shoe over my direction, literally passing inches away from my face

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