༺ 86 ༻ Blessed pt 1/2

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Lee know's POV:

-hyunjin: "I want to marry IN"

Hyunjin pushed an open box, letting it slide on top of that table

Hyunjin pushed an open box, letting it slide on top of that table

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Me,hyunjin,Felix and Changbin were united all over my house

Spending sometime together, before heading out on a date with jisung

Before hyunjin decided to speak up,making me snap up from my phone,changbin's jaw hanged open,Felix jumping up and down on top of that sofa excited much

-changbin: "oh that's adorable! Look at them,they've been dating for one month now they're getting married! UNLIKE US!"

Changbin yelled,glaring at Felix

-Felix: "please make some babies!"

And Felix ain't showing no sign of caring, cold,so cold of him

Looking down that ring in a box
Beautiful one indeed

-Lee know: "are you copying me?"-hyunjin: "me?what? No! This is the path I choose,and the life I want"-Changbin: "when is the wedding?"-Felix: "can we throw a bachelor's party?!"-hyunjin: "guys calm down,I want it, but I still didn't ask IN about ...

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-Lee know: "are you copying me?"
-hyunjin: "me?what? No! This is the path I choose,and the life I want"
-Changbin: "when is the wedding?"
-Felix: "can we throw a bachelor's party?!"
-hyunjin: "guys calm down,I want it, but I still didn't ask IN about it,as in purpose to him, so"
-Lee know: "what made you take this decision?"
-hyunjin: "the only life I want is,with IN,that's all what I know"
-Lee know: "well"

Stopping a bit,putting my phone and bending over

-Lee know: "if you want it, get it"
-Felix: "now that's one of a kind"
-changbin:"I know right?! "
-Lee know: "as much as I want to spend the day with you guys,planning your wedding, suits,best men and bouffe, but I can't ,I'm so sorry"
-hyunjin: "i-i've never said"
-Lee know:"we should go out to watch a movie me and jisung, then visit his parents,and spend the night there"
-Felix: "we can always discuss hyunjin's wedding once you're back hyung"
-Lee know: "good idea,tomorrow, let's do it"
-hyunjin: "guys,this is just...never mind"
-changbin: "can I choose the theme?"
-hyunjin: "yes"
-Lee know: "Perfect, do I look good?!"

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