༺ 47 ༻ there for you {H...} pt 2/2

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Jisung's POV:

no one but a classmate,girl named park yerin

Looking... Angry,she glared at me,not only glaring but looking over my direction with one deadly look

What's wrong with her?

Well I wouldn't deny fact that she's actually beautiful, she's the most popular girl in university between girls, Lee know hyung is popular in between both...

Oh now it make sense

Nodding at my own thoughts,only to hear her heels hitting that floor,echoing inside that empty classroom

Making her way towards me

Resting her right hand on top of my desk,supporting her body,the other one resting on her hip

-jisung: "h-hi"
-"save your hi shit for someone Else "
-jisung: "...what?!"
-"I saw you this morning holding hands with Lee know,is there anything going on between two of you?"

With one raised eyebrow,she asked

-jisung: "i-"
-"listen up"

Soon she cut me off

-"I don't have time for your excuses but listen out,you better stay away from Lee know do you understand? I know your kind goes after him only for his money and popularity

if you wanna stay alive and be safe,trust me,stay away from him,otherwise his large fans circle will Hunt the shit out of your life,and I'll be the first in the line "
-jisung: "I,no-"

My words again got cut off,but this time not with her voice,instead, a flying backpack literally passing between us

Lee know's POV:

Walking up jisung's classroom again,forgot to tell him one thing

Stepping over that open door,only to witness one girl standing there facing him

At first I thought its nothing
big or serious, until I heard her threatening jisung, who looked in complete shock

Literally telling him to stay away from me

With no control in myself or my actions,I took my backpack off ,throwing it over her direction, literally passing inches away from her face

Walking inside slowly, feeling anger built inside of my skin

Before I could even say a word, rest of the students walked in,same goes for the teacher

Glaring at her,there is no way I'm gonna let this slide

-jisung: "h-hyung? Lee know hyung?!"

Jisung's voice could be heard shooting out my name,yet I decided to walk out,knowing good it won't end peacefully

Felix's POV:

Writing down that notebook

Pencils could be heard tapping down papers

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