-bangchan: "don't bullshit me,I know something is going on" -Lee know: "...did he made it?!"
Somehow, even thou he didn't even said a name or talk specifically, yet I knew he was referring to his father
-bangchan: "not yet" -Lee know:"not yet where? The ceremony will start in five minutes, he's not coming " -bangchan: "maybe he's busy" -Lee know: "or maybe he didn't receive the invitation card,fuck I should've mailed it to him" -bangchan: "hey listen up"
Bringing his chin up a bit,making him look up
-bangchan: "you have us okay?! We're your family, don't forget it" -Lee know: "I know hyung,thank you" -bangchan: "come here"
Bringing him over for a hug,patting his back a bit