One week later
Lee know's POV:
Days passed by fast,and to be quite specific, one week,since that iconic dance event we threw,now back to the usual routine
Back to practice,Saturday, Monday and Wednesday and Jisung passing by three times a week so he can watch me do so
-Lee know:"there is a boy who keeps staring at me "
I spoke up,as me and Felix were standing next that door,before me stepping inside so I can start my practice and Felix heading to his first period, walking over class before that bell could ring
Of course, I already knew his name was jisung,yet I pretended I don't know shit,same goes for giving any further details about him
Knowing good they would either freak out or simply, spread the word within a second
With my hand resting on that doorknob, soon,Felix spoke up
-Felix: "who doesn't? Everyone admire your dancing skills and beauty"
-Lee know:"right?!"Agreeing, more than questioning him
-Felix: "also way you race"
-Lee know:"of course "Answering him Shortly as I glanced inside that practice room,through the window, only to see it empty
Loud footsteps interrupted us
Hearing it coming closer,soon only to watch bangchan hyung coming overYes we usually,always practice together, although for our limited conversation
Many thought we would end up close or something, since we spend half of our time together practicing and working on either music,choreographing, producing, or simply the three together, yet its not the case
Although we are together in one spot most of Time,yet our actual conversation was always greeting each other kind of chat
-Lee know: "morning"
-Felix: "hi hyung,nice performance the other day"Cheered up Felix throwing his hand up,trying to high five bangchan hyung,which he accepted it gladly
-bangchan: "glad you enjoyed, thank you for cheering"
-Felix: "you're welcome"
-bangchan: "see you later Felix,I got some practice to catch up"
-Felix: "sure good luck"With that said,bangchan went in,starting soon his work
-Felix: "are we still up for tonight, over hyunjin's?"
-Lee know:"sure yes,I got nothing to do anyway "
-Felix: "great,you know what,I'll order some pizza now"
-Lee know:"now? Is the small party held here? We still got hours until the night comes!"
-Felix: "the sooner,the better"With that said,Felix already formed a number, now talking through his phone
Hyunjin and Changbin loud ass laugh and voices could be heard from the very end of the hallway
Soon enough they showed up
-hyunjin: "hey hyung,ready for Tonight?"
-Lee know:"I don't have a choice do I?"
-changbin:"its gonna be fun!"
-Lee know: "hope so"
-changbin: "hey! Who are you talking to?!"

℘lease ℒove ℋim... ℱor ℳe ༺ℋyunin༻ ✔
Fanfiction༺ ȡid ϒou ℒove ℋim? ϒes ༻ ༺ ℋow ℳuch? ȡoes ℐt ℳatter? ༻ ༺ Ꮚhy ȡoes ℐt ȵot? ℬecause ℐt Ꮚasn't ℰnough ťo ℳake ℳe ȿtay ༻ ༺ Ꭿn ℐnnocent ℬoy Ċharming ℴne ༻ ༺ Ꭿ ℒifetime ȡream ťo ᶄeep ťhem Ꭿpart ༻ Highest ranking: #1 in please love him...for me #1 in jin...