༺ 35 ༻ Who Are You !? pt 1/2

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Jisung's POV:

Jisung: "hyung should be here"

Informing myself that,as I went over the senior's floor,where its set on the Fourth floor

Sliding that door open,and walking in,only to be welcomed with a half full class

Well I won't say half full since they were only 5 or something

Hyung could be seen sitting all alone scrolling down his phone,back resting against that wall,window above his head

-jisung: "hi hyung"
-bangchan:"jisung!? Hi what are you doing here?!"

Asked hyung,putting that phone down,now focusing on me

-jisung: "nothing much, I just felt bored and decided to come here and stay for few moments"
-bangchan: "what about the rest?!"
-jisung: "seungmin is having a talk with his classmate"
-bangchan: "that dick"
-jisung: "and IN headed over library"
-bangchan: "I see"
-jisung: "yes- oh"

I stopped mid way,after letting my eyes land on a desk,set right behind hyung's

It was full with many expensive gifts I assume,also expensive chocolates,from exposed perfume bottle to juice bottle

In general,many beautiful expensive things were set over there

-bangchan:"its Lee know's desk"
-jisung: "and the gifts?!"
-bangchan: "its for him, from girls...boys"
-jisung: "he's pretty popular"
-bangchan: "he is yes,everyday, imagine it,receiving gifts,expensive ones everyday"
-jisung:"...that's nice"

I managed to say,tightening my grip over my bag's straps, felt like some iceberg was set on top of my chest

-bangchan: "and speaking of the devil"

Hyung said,soon enough, Lee know hyung walked in,in the middle of many greeting and cheers wearing some beautiful kind of outfit

Hyung said,soon enough, Lee know hyung walked in,in the middle of many greeting and cheers wearing some beautiful kind of outfit

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-bangchan: "hi Lee know"
-Lee know:"hi bangchan "

He didn't even glance at me or said hi,wow I'm impressed

-Lee know: "again?!"

He said, looking down his desk

-bangchan: "thought you're used to it?"
-Lee know:"I don't know hyung, its too much"
-bangchan: "I know its too much"
-Lee know:"anyway, here"

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