Busy watching some movies, along side with both my siblings and parents
Me and chan hyung just hunged up from a long phone call,informing me to meet him up over his house in 30 minutes
Focusing on that big screen,only to let a ding distract me
Singling a message just arrived
Checking up a little, only to find it hyunjin
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asking me to meet over a garden,located near our neighborhood, only few blocks away
-IN:"dad I'm out!" -"is it hyunjin?!" -"of course, can't you see that big smile on his face?!"
My sister explained, eating up her popcorn
As from my side,well let's say that big smile was accompanied with a huge blush
-IN:"ah guys Come on" -"you go son,say hi to your boyfriend "
With a warm smile from my mom,getting off that spot as I headed out
After what it felt like 5 or 10 minutes walk, until I arrived,hyunjin could be easily spotted with his gold hair playing left and right by the wind
-IN:"hi hyung " -hyunjin: "hi baby"
Exchanging a hug a bit until we parted away
Hyung seemed different than the usual
He looked calm,but not that normal calm
Also silent, why does it both sound and feels like the silence before the Strom?!
My train of thought were interrupted by hyungs lips moving and voice
-hyunjin: "so they are holding a Ferrari race event over LA and they called me to join in and race along" -IN:"oh wow really?! How did that happened?! " -Hyunjin: "I passed an exam months ago,and clearly I made it to finals,between me and another one I won the first place,so they signed an exclusive contract with me" -IN:"oh God hyung this is amazing! Congratulations!" -hyunjin: "i- there is something Else..." -IN:"what is it hyunjin?! " -hyunjin: "that contract is...a five Years contract, and I can't...end it or something" -IN:"f-five years?!"
His words felt like thousands Stones hitting my head
Is he gonna leave and won't be back anytime sooner?