༺ 22 ༻ stalking much?

210 9 70


-"Mister yang!"

Hearing my name being called down that hallway, checking the clock,showing its 5:00pm

Looking behind me a little bit, only to find it our dance teacher,running over my direction

-IN:"oh hello sir"

Bowing down at him,soon he spoke up

-"hyunjin is waiting for you over dance practice, I signed you two to work on a music"

Informing me that,while trying to catch up his breath

-IN: "oh okay,where is he now?"
-"in the dance practice, he's waiting for you,its been 20 minutes"
-IN: "means I'm late..."

Feeling already embarrassed

-IN: "yes,so I'll head over restroom then over hyunjin hyung"

Thank god we've been standing next it

-"don't be late "

With that said,he took his leave, as I headed in

Checking my outfit a little and fixing my cloths

Checking my outfit a little and fixing my cloths

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-IM: "why I'm I fixing my cloths?"

I asked myself, echoing inside that empty restroom

Without wasting anymore time,I ran over my next destination

Walking down some stairs,soon

I witnessed one large crowd standing outside that room

More of,over the hallway

All of them were taking glances inside through that window

Some were taking pictures, while others were just screaming, or whispering, sometimes screaming

The other decided just to stand there and observe from a distance, with a mouth hanged open

Its 5:00pm already, shouldn't they be heading out over their homes?

I thought

Stepping over and of course,I had to know its one of the f4 judging from the large crowd

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