༺ 52 ༻ spin the bottle {P.T.Y} pt 4/5

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Bangchan's POV:

Glancing down my watch,then back at the center that could be spot from our place

11:30 pm and those people are showing no sign of tiredness, stopping or simply done

They've been dancing, drinking none stop

This party is ended going out of hand

People were making out all around the house,some guiding their...date or one stand out,up some rooms
Shots were made as many time as possible, glasses raised up,bottlee of wine rolling down ground

Hyunjin and his squad were pretty drunk, but still able to hold it together as it seems

They are good alcoholic holders, unlike me,I would pass out after two shots

Me and the rest,and by this I mean,IN,jisung, seungmin and Eric took our seat down ground,playing spin the bottle

Being surrounded with loud music,laughs and loud chats didn't help,so we took our seat a little bit further from the it center

-"oh spin the bottle,can I play?"

A voice asked behind me,checking a little only to find it that guy from earlier, the one who said I scare the shit out of him,and I also look like his dog

Moment I looked up at him and our eye met,he jumped a little

-wooyoung:"you still scare the shit out of me,alright kids come over!"

With that being announced, hyunjin, Lee know, changbin, Felix and the other guy,I assume his name was jun joined in

-hyunjin: "spinning bottle? I'm in"

Answered hyunjin sweating from hair down face, reaching for his neck,same goes for his friends

They've been dancing for so long they actually lost weight due shaking much

I thought, 7 of them sat down forming a circle,along with us

-wooyoung:"I'll spin it"

Doing as he already said,watching it spin fast,slowing down a bit, soon it stopped over,pointing at hyunjin

-wooyoung:"better playing than losing our mind over dance floor, so,jin truth or dare?"
-hyunjin: "truth"

Shortly he answered,sipping his glass

-wooyoung:"fuck marry kill,me,Lee know hyung and Felix "
-hyunjin: "so I'd fuck Felix, marry Lee know and kill changbin"
-changbin: "I want even in your option you bitch!"

Scoffed changbin

-seungmin: "unbelievable"

Seungmin mumbles could be heard,as he was sitting right next me

His eyes,were looking everywhere but that circle, probably avoiding meeting hyunjin's

-wooyoung:"your turn,birthday boy"

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