Bangchan's POV:
-IN:"oh no..."
Four of us were united over my house and seungmin, trying to chill out a bit
Sitting all over my bedroom,until IN decided to break the silence
In a small voice, he said,it was enough to capture our attention
Three of us look up from our phones
-bangchan: "me cheese"
Answering him with same small voice,making seungmin choke down His drink
-jisung: "what is it?!"
Out of concern jisung asked him,his eyes going wide
-IN:"I left my notebook in class"
-bangchan: "you can have it tomorrow IN"
-IN:"you don't understand hyung,I need it now,like at this time "
-seungmin: "really?!"
-IN:"I'm like a writer,I should have my phone on,anywhere,anytime, in case I get any ideas, so I can write in down before it'll vanish away"
-bangchan: "...really?!"
-IN:"yes"He answered shortly, soon got off his spot,standing up
-IN:"I'll go to college, be back soon"
With that said,he already started on heading out
-seungmin: "are you serious? All this way for a notebook?!"
Yelled min,as we end up following IN from behind, reaching for that main door
-IN:"everything is gonna be fine,I promise,plus its still early, I'll make it on time"
-seungmin: "okay,if you say so"
-IN:"be back soon"
-jisung: "take your phone at least!"Yelled jisung appearing soon,holding IN's phone up
-IN:"no need,I'll come back fast"
-bangchan: "we'll wait here"With a nod, he left,leaving us here waiting for him to come back
Stopping a taxi moment I stepped out,within half an hour I made it over college
Its was kinda dark outside,of course,not only its winter season but also its kinda late, as in almost 5:00pm
Well I still got few minutes before that college's gate will get closed for good
Since the last period ends at 5The court was empty, same goes for that entire spot,since few classes only would last until that time
No one was there, except for that guard where I sneaked in extra slowly and silently
Knowing good if he ever see me,he won't let me get in
Running up my classroom, sliding that door open ,only to be welcomed with my notebook set there,where exactly I left it this morning
-IN:"thank god"
Sighing in relief, as I grabbed it fast

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