Chapter 4 ~ Longest Taxi Journey Ever

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Lauren's Pov :

Throughout the most of the flight Austin perched on the edge of Levi's seat but a flight atendent asked him to go back to his seat until we were about to land.

When we did we got off of the plane we collected our suitcases and got into a taxi.

"Excuse me how long is the journey to the house?" I asked the taxi driver.

"Er about two hour." He replied.

Austin, Levi, Drew and I sat in the back, Nate and Morgan were in the middle of the car so the passenger seat at the front was empty.

"I'm really tired." Drew yawned.

"Well we have been traveling for quite a while but we'll be there in about 1 hour and 50 minutes." I smiled.

It didn't take long at all for him to fall asleep, head on my sholder and arms wrapped around mine.

"Have you kissed Drew yet?" Nate asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

"Why would she kiss Drew?" Austin asked.

"Because he's her boyfriend." Nate replied rasing an eyebrow.

"Really?" Levi smirked.

"Yes." I said quietly.

"Leave the poor girl alone. If she wants to talk to you about her relationship she will but she obviously doesn't." Austin said and Nate put his hands up in surrender.

"Thank you." I whispered to Austin who just smiled.

The rest of the journey was quiet. Well Austin, Levi and I talked quite a bit but Nate and Morgan didn't. The journey was well over two hour and Drew woke up just as we pulled into the driveway.


Author's Note :

Sorry this part was so short and crappy. This story is almost at 100 reads, yay!
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