Chapter 45 ~ This Is Your Fault

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Lauren's Pov:

My phone buzzed on the bedside table, early this morning.

-1 message from Drew-

'Morning Laur. Sorry it's so early but I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a little adventure today? I packed some stuff just in case. Love you and I'll speak to you later xxx'

- 1 message to Drew -

'Sorry got work today :( but will definitely go on an adventure another day! Sorry, love you xxxx'

I got up and got ready for work. It was a good thing I did because I forgot to set my alarm last night. I was out of the house by 8am and on the train by 8:15. I quite like the uniform I have to wear. It's a black pair of jeans, a burgundy jumper with the small company logo on the front on the top left side and a black pair of converse. I keep my hair tied in a high ponytail and wear natural makeup.

"Morning Lauren." Chris the manager waved as I walked through the door.

"Morning." I waved back.

● ● ●

Work was good. It was quite quiet today so that wasn't too bad. I finished early and came home.

"Oh Lauren, there is a rather pretty boy that is waiting outside your appartment." Sarah, who lives a few doors down, said briefly as she walked past me as I headed towards my door.

"Oh hi Nate, what can I do for ya?" I asked Nate who was standing by the door whilst I tried to unlock the door.

"Nothing just wanted to see you." He smiled and followed me in and took a seat on the couch.

"Do you wanna watch a film or something?" I asked and he nodded in agreement.

About the 2nd film in there was a knock at the door. I got up and walked over to it.

"Hey." Drew smiled.

"Hi." I smiled back.

"What's he doing here?" Drew asked as Nate walked up behind me.

"We were just watching some films." I replied.

"So what I'm getting is that you would rather spend time with Nate than your boyfriend? " he said.

"No I -"

"No Lauren. You could have come to mine after work. Or did you even go to work today." He interupted.

"No you listen here Drew. I did go to work and Nate was here when I came home for work plus you didn't arrange anything nor did I."

"You know, if you'd rather spend time with him then me, that's fine. We don't have to be together if it's not working out."

"Drew no. I love you and your the one I wanna be with not Nate." I said and could hear Nate walk back to the living room.

"I love you too. But if your spending more time with him and I can't do anything to change that. He likes you and just admit that you have feelings for him too. This isn't working. We're through." He said, a tear running down his cheek.

"Drew your breaking my heart! Nate can go and I'll come back to yours." I cried.

"Good bye Laur. " he whispered and left.

I closed the door, slid down the back, sat on the floor and burst into tears.

"Nate I'm sorry but you have to leave." I said, wiping the tears away and walking into the living room.


"This your fault. Drew just broke up with me. You need to leave now. I'm sorry."

He gathered his stuff together and walked towards the door.

"If you need me, I'm just a phone call away." He said before walking out.

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