Chapter 22 ~ Company Is Always Nicer Than Being Alone

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Lauren's Pov :

Lately I've been feeling really down. I have no idea why because life is pretty good. I moved out of my family home in Ohio almost 2 years ago. Things weren't really working out. For me, finding a job I would actually want to do was quite hard. My older brother and sister headed off to uni and I guess I was just tired of ny parents wanting me to do well like Kayla and Max. So I moved to LA, got a job in a music store and live closer to the boys.

I had a splitting headache so I headed upstairs and sat on the balcony. It was near to night and the sun was just setting.

"You alright?" Drew asked sitting next to me.

"Yeah." I replied, trying to smile.

"No, your not. What's happened?"

"I don't know. All that keeps replaying in my head are my parents words."

"What were they?"

"'Lauren you need to get a job or go to uni. Do well like your brother and sister.' I was fucking tired of it so I moved out."

"That was like 2 years ago though."

"Yeah I guess so but with everything that's happened with Nate and that I feel like I should be going home after this trip."

"Well, you're more than welcome to stay round mine as much as you want and whenever you want. We can make it your second home if the plane tickets get too much if you don't want to travel over to Ohio ."

"Thank you Drew." I smiled, putting my head on his sholder.

We sat out on the balcony till midnight, chatting, solving problems, talking about old memories and that until Austin walked out and said that it was 1am so we went stait to bed.


Authors note:

I do apologise for how bad these chapters have been but I swear they get better. Sorry they're so short. Running out of ideas 😕

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