Chapter 31 ~ Slips and Hospital Trips

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Drew's Pov:

Nate and Lauren ran off down the cliff on our way back to the house. They went out of sight and cos it was so hot Morgan, Levi, Austin and I sat by another tree. For a hiking area up a cliff there are alot of trees.

"Do you think their okay?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah, their probably running back now." Austin replied.

In fact they were. Well Nate was.

"Guys Laurens slipped and fallen off the cliff!" Nate said slightly out of breath.

"Haha that's so funny Nate." Levi laughed.

"No I'm serious guys!" Nate shouted stopping us from laughing.

"Where is she?!" I asked standing up.

"Follow me."

We ran down the cliff, Nate and I infront of the others. I looked down to see Lauren laying flat on a smaller cliff just bellow.

"How the hell did this happen?" I asked Nate as the other ran towards us.

"We were running back and I said to her not to walk on the edge but she said that loads of people were so it would be fine and as she walked across it, it crumbled beneath her feet and she fell."

"That's at least a 12 meter drop." Morgan added.

I called 911 strait away.

"Hello 911, emergency. Can you please call an ambulance. Er we're on the hiking path up a cliff by the sea front. About midway up. Yes, someone has fallen off the cliff. Okay, see you in a 10 minutes."

My heart was panicing. Tears were filling in my eyes.

"Lauren!" I shouted down repeatedly but there was no reply.

Within 10 minutes a group of people in luminous yellow jackets arrived. They set up this block thing with a thick strap that attatched to one of their harness. Two stood by the block and lowered another two people down to where lauren was with a stretcher. They strapped her in and bought her up. Her head was bleading and covered in scratches and bruises along with her arm.

"Which one of you is family?" One of the paramedics asked. "We need someone to go to the hospital with her."

"Well I'm her boyfriend if that counts." I said.

"Okay, come on then."

We walked down the rest of the path in a quick speed with Nate, Austin, Levi and Morgan following us. They pushed the stretcher up a ramp into the ambulance and attatched an oxygen mask to her face. I climbed in the back and Nate somehow managed to convince them that he had to go too.

"We'll see you back at the house." I called out to Austin and Levi who were standing by the vehicle.

"Okay, keep her safe Drew." He replied.

The journey to the hospital was quiet. There wasn't really anything to talk about. I think Nate was in just as much of a state of worry I was. The hospital was big and they tried to get Lauren in as quick as they could.

"You will both have to wait out here." A nurse said stopping Nate and I.

We sat on some seats outside the room.

"You should have stopped her." I said quietly.

"Your blaming me?!" Nate said.

"No but you should have been there for her."

"Drew I was. I had couldn't have done anything I'm sorry." He sighed.

"It's okay. I'm just really worried."

There was about 20 minutes of silence before we started talking.

"Do you want anything to eat?" I asked.

"Er yeah, okay. It's like 7pm so I'll stay here and see if they say anything else about how she's doing if you go and get food." Nate said and I nodded.

I walked down the corridor and down two flight of stairs to the enterance to the hospital and a little shop selling food. I picked up two sandwhiches, a packet of doritos and two bottles of water. I then walked back up to the seats to find nate crying.

"What's happened?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Lauren's not waking up."

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