Chapter 29 ~ Rollcoasters And Throw Ups

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Drew's Pov:

"Here's your map and bracelets. Enjoy your time at Darien Lake." A cheerful girl said handing us our wristbands and giving Austin the map.

"They know what your like." I laughed nudging Austins arm.

We only have 6 days left before we have to fly back to LA so we all voted that we spend as many of the days we have left out and not stuck in the house. It was ovecast, not really warm but not warm enough to wear shorts. Today we were at Darien lake. There had been good reviews of it and I haven't been to a theme park in ages.

"As if." Austin scoffed. "What ride should we go on first?"

"How about the ride of steel?" Lauren said pointing on the map.

"Then viper?" Morgan suggested.

We spent about 10 minutes planning the day out with what to do and filled each box with a number to signify what order to go.

"So first is the ride of steel, then predator, after we can do the amusements and little rides after, next boomerang and we'll get lunch -" austin started to inform us.

"It'll be fine. We'll just plan it as we go along." Nate interrupted and started to walk to the first ride.

We first went on the ride if steel, mainly because it was the nearest to the entrance. Lauren and I sat in the front cart with austin and Levi behind us and Nate and Morgan behind them. The ride started off slow gradually increasing speed as we went up, then suddenly shot down and up another track before the carts tilting to the left and going round in circles, then it is repeated again.

"That was awesome." Nate said as we got out of the carts.

We went on about three quarters of the rest of the rides until our stomachs started to rumble. We took a break and got something to eat and drink before going on the rest of the rides.

"What one should we go on as the final ride, the mind eraser or grizzly run?" Austin asked.

"The mind eraser!" We all shouted almost in sink.

So we headed over to the mind eraser as the sky got dimmer. The ride was quite busy so we had to split up. Levi sat in the front with a middle aged guy, behind him was me and austin, then Laur and Nate and behind them was Morgan and some girl she started chatting to.

"Ready guys!?" Levi called out as the ride started.

It first went up quite high then sped up going down a drop twisted to the right and I actually almost dropped my phone in the lake as we zoomed down past it. There were lots of loops and drops and about halfway round all you could hear is the guys yelling at Levi saying "I don't feel good dude." And then Levi looking over at him every now and then. To cut a long story short the guy was sick but luckily he was sick down so it hit the floor instead of flying back at us.

"I really don't feel good." Levi said quickly, getting out of his seat and running to the nearest bin.

"Was it the loops?" I asked.

"No it was the other guy being sick." Levi replied, wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "I will never be able to stop seeing it."

"I think I've gone deaf from all the screaming from the two teenagers behind us." Austin said turning around towards Nate and Lauren and raising an eyebrow.

"It was Nate." Lauren said pointing to Nate who laughed and pushed her.

"Thanks for telling me to be sick down man, I could have been sick over you." The guy said walking over to Levi who was just sick again.

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