Chapter 16 ~ Tears

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Drew's Pov :

I heard the front door slam and I knew something had happened. I ran downstairs to see Lauren sitting on the bottom step crying her eyes out.

"He stood me up." She sobbed as I wrapped my arms around her.

"I'm sure there was traffic or something or -"

"No Drew. I waited at this fucking restaurant for 3 fucking hours and he didn't show up. I looked like a right twat sitting on my fucking own."

Her mascara had ran down her cheeks. Her hazel eyes bloodshot and there was no way that she would cheer up any time soon.

"You were right. You were right about everything. He has a girlfriend and that was probably -" She trailed off and then burst into more tears.

"Oh Laur. I'm sorry."

We walked upstairs and I sat on the bed and waited for her to get changed in the bathroom. I opened up my laptop and loaded up a film we could watch and bought up the leftover pizza.

"Have you eaten?" I asked as she entered the room.

"Yeah." She said quietly.

"I've loaded up a film if you want to watch one. I know your upset and we an always watch it another time if you'd rather."

"Yes please. I'm not in a film mood."

She climbed into bed and snuggled in next to me. And the tears started again.

"It's gonna be alright." I said rubbing her back. "C'mon, get some sleep."

"I love you and thank you Drew." She sobbed.

"I love you too and that's what I'm here for."


Authors note:


Today I met the tide!! I got a signed pic but all the ones I took with the boys came out blurry 😭 because some stupid man was hurrying me. I gave the boys some bracelets and in one of the pic Nate is wearing the one I made for him! They were amazing at the concert tonight, well last night. I've only just got home and still thinking it's the evening of the second of May 😅 Does anyone know how to in blurrify a picture? x

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