Chapter 17 ~ Arguments Never End Well

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Nate's Pov :

I woke up this norning in an unfamiliar room with Morgan. She was still asleep and it was only when I sat up that it all came back.

There was a party on last night, one of Morgans old high school friends invited us. I was planning on leaving at 7 so that it gave me half an hour to get the the restaurant to meet Lauren. After a few drinks Morgan decided to play shots and pulled me into it. I must've got really drunk and stayed at the party overnight at the house.

I checked my phone. 1pm and 4 text messages and 6 missed calls from Lauren.

'Nate where r u? x'
'Hurry the fuck up!'
'If you don't turn up soon I'm gonna leave.'
'You know what. Forget it.'

I instantly felt really bad.

I didn't get back to the house till just gone 3. Morgan went upstairs to have a shower and I waited outside.

"Hi Laur." I said as she walked out of her and Drew's room.

I walked behind her, grabbed her wrist and span her around to face me.

"I'm so sor-"

"Don't you dare talk to me." She muttered.

"You can't start to get annoyed at me. I planned to leave and -"

"Leave where?"

"I was at a party and -"

"Nate you don't understand. I text you and you never showed up to the thing that you planned!"

"I wanted to go I really did."

"Then why didn't you show up?"

"Er I-I," I stuttered. I didn't know how to explain what happened to nake it sound like a good exscuse.

"You know what Nate. Just don't bother I fucking hate you."

"Well I fucking hate you too. You can be a real bitch sometimes Lauren. You think everything will be fine most of the time and I messed up and now I'm trying to fix it and you won't have fucking any of it. Not everything has to he fine. This is your fucking fault too you jealous bitch!"

I could see the tears in her eyes. She left me standing in the corridor as she ran downstairs.

"Do you want me to talk to her?" Morgan asked.

"No it's okay." I sighed.

I may have had fun at the party with my girlfriend but I have just lost my best friend.

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