Chapter 47 ~ Talks

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Lauren's Pov:

I had to sort things out. I couldn't just leave it how it was.

It was pouring down with rain, much heavier than the rest of the week. I really didn't want to go out but I had to. I pulled on a hoodie over my t-shirt and tucked my jeans into a pair of boots. I left my phone on the counter in the appartment because I didn't want it to get wet and brake like the last one did. I locked the door, slipped my keys into my pocket, walled down the corridor, down some flights of stairs and out the door.

"Ah for fuck sake!" I said, realising that the hoodie I had put on didn't have a hood. It was a jumper.

I ran to Nate's house which was quite a while away. I was soaked by the time I got to there. I walked up the steps to the door, almost slipped but managed to keep upright. I knocked on the door and Madison answered it.

"Hi Lauren." She smiled. "Do you wanna come in?"

"No thanks Mads, I just need to talk to Nate." I said.

"Are you sure? You look really cold but I'll go and get him now."

She ran off upstairs to get Nate. She was quite a while so I lent on a wooden post of their porch and fiddled around with my keys.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked stepping outside and closing the door, making me jump amd drop my keys in a puddle.

"Yeah. I just need to talk to you." I said.

"Okay, I just wanted to -" he started to say.

"Nate you have to let me talk and explain everything without any interruptions. Okay?" I said.

"Go on then."

I took a deep breath.

"Nathaniel Abraham Parker, I have had a crush on you for over 2 years. I kept telling myself that I couldn't love you because you were my best friend. So I got a job at the music store every summer to keep my mind off you. I met this guy called Jack who seemed like a sweetheart for the 8 months we were together for but he broke my heart and you were the first one over to mine to make sure I was okay and stayed with me until I stopped crying. I can still remember your words 'what an asshole'. Then I fell or you again. It was really hard when you and Morgan where together because I wanted to spend time with you and get my head round the fact that you were my best friends not my crush. Drew picked up that I liked you so we made a plan that we would pretend to go out to make you jealous when we went to New York , which I found really hard because I felt bad that it would hurt you, but I fell for him instead. So he made it official and asked me out then we came home he broke up with me and then we got back together. Nate your the besets friend anyone could ask for but I couldn't go out with you, well not at the moment. I'm sorry." I said and it felt like the whole world had been lifted off my shoulders.

I stepped backwards down the steps leaving him standing in his porch wordless.

"Well then I'll wait." He sighed and smiled.


Authors Note:

Story done 😌

Thank you all for spending the time to read this, comment and vote. I appreciate it so much. I really enjoyed writing this little book/story and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thank you for 13k!

ilyl ❤️

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