Chapter 44 ~ Un Fractured Arm And Rock Climbing

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Lauren's Pov:

It's been 6 weeks since I had this fucking cast put on my arm and I got it off at the beginning of the week. It's sunday now and all week I've been trying to build up the strength in my arm, try to get it back to how it was.

The hospital in new york had to transfer all the info and statements and that to the local one in LA.

-1 message from Nate-
'I'm coming to pick u up. I'll meet you by the oak tree on the corner by the building :) x'

-1 message to Nate-
'Okay? x'

I slipped on some shoes, grabbed my keys, phone and coat and headed over to the oak tree. It was mid-day so I had already got ready for the day. I walked out of the building, round the corner to the oak tree to see Nate sitting on the wall infront of the tree.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we got into his car that was parked round the corner, up the kirb.

"Rock climbing!" He said, excitedly.

I really wasn't up for rock climbing and I knew that if I did argue in disagreement he wouldn't listen or take me home so I was kinda stuck.

We arrived at the activity/ leisure centre around midday. Luckily there was a little café in the centre and Nate agreed to go after rock climbing.

"Look badminton sounds fun." I said, hoping to change his mind as we walked down the long corridor, pointing to the pictures and leaflets pinned to the wall. "Or squash. I've never played squash."

He just raised his eyebrow and gave the most blankets, emotionless expression ever.


Once we had got in the large room and put a helmet on whilst two lads helped us put our harnesses on before connecting us to the rope attached to the top of the wall.

"I'll race you up." Nate said eagerly.

"Er maybe not." I mumbled but he had already started climbing.

I got up about halfway using one hand but Nate and one of the guys noticed.

"Miss you need to use two hands to climb." He shouted up.

"C'mon Laur, it'll be fine." Nate added.

I pushed up with my stronger hand and grabbed the next rock with my weaker hand.
Typical. I slipped, the rope came off the harness and one of the dashing guys caught me before I hit the floor.

Nate came down the wall very quickly as if he was Spider-Man.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I don't think rock climbing is the right thing for me. Especially with a weak wrist and arm." I said as the guy put me down.

"How about some food then?" Nate smiled as his stomach rumbled.

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