Chapter 24 ~ Restaurants And Movies

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Drew's Pov :

"Laur lets go! We're gonna be late!" I yelled from the front door.

The others went out to some concert thing so I took the opportunity to spend some more time with Lauren. I know that she sorted out things with Nate but I can tell that he is starting to like her as a bit more than a friend. I booked a table at the hard rock cafe and tickets to see the new spiderman film at the cinema a few blocks away.

"Lauren!"I shouted up amd she came running down stairs in a little black dress.

"Hey beautiful." I smiled and she turned red.

"I don't look that amazing Drew." She said.

"Trust me, you do."

We walked to the hard rock cafe and were directed to our table by a waitor.

"What do you fancy to eat?" I asked lauren who was looking at the menu.

"Er I'm torn between the new york strip steak or the hicktory barbecue bacon cheeseburger." She replied.

"I'm gonna have the hicktory barbecue bacon cheeseburger and I would have to say the burger is nicer that the steak by far."

"Okay, I'll have the burger and can we get some brownies for desert please."

"Haha sure."

"Are you ready to order?" A waitress asked, approaching the table.

"Ah yes, can we please have two hicktory barbecue bacon cheeseburgers, two orange sodas and some hot fudge brownies for desert." I said as she wrote it all down.

"Of course sir, the food will be here shortly."

"How did you know I wanted an orange soda?" Laur asked.

"Cos I know that orange sodas are your fave."

"Yep, your right." She laughed.

● ● ●

"Drew the film is starting soon, how long have you been in the que for the snacks for?" Lauren asked waking out from the toilets.

"As long as you've been in the toilets for. I'm almost at the front though." I said as she walked towards me and stood with me in the queue.

We collected some popcorn, snacks and drinks then headed to the door.

"Seats 25 and 26. Enjoy your fim." A man said taring the edge of our tickets.


Authors note:

Thank you so much for 5k reads! That's crazy! ily x

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