Chapter 9 ~ It Bothers Me Though

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Nate's Pov:

Lauren and Drew going out is really getting to me. Like I know I'm with morgan but idk.

She kept going on about him when I was up with her the other morning. I swear all she actually ever talks about is Drew. Like Morgan is great and that but she isn't Lauren. Drew is a great guy but I always thought she would just stay friends with him.

I woke up early the other day, knowing she'd be up and we could talk.
I know Morgan doesn't like Lauren, mainly because we have a better 'friend' relationship and she's complained about it loads of times.

It's been fun, these past few days at the pool and it was nice to catch up with the boys but I have a feeling that something is going on that I don't know about but Drew does. I swear if he hurts Lauren he'll have to deal with me.

I met Morgan almost a year ago at one of my friends house partys. We got along really well so we met up after that and something just clicked and we decided to try a relation ship but now Lauren's come into the picture and is making my head go all fuzzy.

'Nate your girlfriend is Morgan. Lauren is your friend and it has to stay like that.'

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