Chapter 41 ~ CheaterCheaterBestFriendEater

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Nate's Pov:

I went straight home.

Luckily, mom and dad were at work and Mads was at school so I could go and play drums without anyone telling me I'm playing too loud. I walked into the drum room, placed my phone on the sideboard and played.

I took all my frustration out on the drums until one of the drumsticks snapped in half. I then went to the kitchen and made myself a sandwich, went back to the drum room and sank into a beanbag. My phone kept buzzing so I had to go and check it.

3 text messages and 4 missed calls from Morgan.

"Look you kinda broke my heart, when you said you had slept with him. I know you called, I got them all. You better love what you got, before you go and give it away. I know all about your type, you're the type of girl that texts all day and talks all night.
And, I know, that you are feeling sad. I don't feel bad, 'cause even after 3 text messages, 4 missed calls, you still slept with my best friend." I said into the phone as she called me again.

"Nate I'm sorry, but you were -"

"Yeah, you sure got a lot of nerve, to say that this was all my fault. I wasn't the one that cheated."

"But you had feelings for someone else and it tore me apart. I wanted to show you how it felt to see the person you love fall for someone else."

"You fucking cheated on me. You were with him for over a week and didn't end it with me. He was one of my best friends! You know what I don't care." I said before ending the call.

(Cred to Nevershoutnever for inspirational song lyrics 🎶)

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